LittleStain's Forum Posts

  • Should be as simple as adding the HP < 3 condition to the destroy event..

  • If you are using custom controls for your movement you could add a condition to your key-presses..

    On left arrow pressed

    Down arrow is not down

    or add an instance variable to your player that you set to "crouching" on down arrow down

    and check for that in a condition:

    On left arrow pressed

    player instance variable is not "crouching"

  • A few simple questions to help with answering yours:

    When is this happening?

    Are the sprites scaled in preview?

    What program are you using to create your sprites?

    Is the transparent border present within the image editor?

  • Because both conditions should be true, you are only picking one instance of the purple one

    The purple one that is overlapping another purple one and is overlapping the yellow one..

    You can simply change this by using a subevent for the purple is overlapping purple, for than that condition picks both: ... roved.capx

  • The main issue seems to be you are spawning your monsters and bullets on layer 1 , which is a layer without paralax, while the player is on layer 0, a layer with paralax..

  • Did you change the elasticity on both the box and the floor/ground?

  • You might also want to look at containers:

    If used correctly this will make referencing the objects that should reference eachother much easier..

  • could you explain in more detail what you are looking for?

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  • You could just add the bullet behaviour with gravity..

    Very basic example

  • With all the different movement-behaviours any movement can be programmed, but it might take some time to get it to look the way you want..

    I wouldn't recommend using physics if you are not going to make everything in your game physics..

    For the bread to get hit and roll I guess using the bullet behaviour with gravity could be of use..

    the tripping of the character could be done with the platform behaviour by setting the vectorX and vectorY and maybe messing around with setting the angle..

    Setting the character to ignore input while a certain instance variable is set would probably be wisest and you might want to use the timer behaviour to time the different actions during this period..

    Although it might take some fiddling, the outcome could be pretty cool..

  • Oops..

    I added complete direction, but comparing the oldX should be enough for your needs: ... ction.capx

  • Again answer someone!

    Sorry, I prefer helping people who ask politely..

    But I hope eliasfrost answer helped..

  • I guess using impulse at the right angle would work..

  • There are so many ways to do this, giving the one you'd like would be pretty hard..

    First thing you would do is change/set a (boolean) instance variable on collision.

    set drag and drop disabled

    and set the movement you want based on the state of the instance variable.

    You can re-enable the drag and drop and change/set the instance variable back, when the original position is reached.

  • yes this is expected behaviour..

    To get around this there are the expressions:

    CanvasToLayerX(layer, x, y)

    CanvasToLayerY(layer, x, y)

    Calculate the layout co-ordinates underneath a position in canvas co-ordinates for a given layer.

    LayerToCanvasX(layer, x, y)

    LayerToCanvasY(layer, x, y)

    Calculate the canvas co-ordinates above a position in layout co-ordinates for a given layer.