littleredpanda's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • I don't think that links to what you think it does...

  • If you invert the bottom event, the one recalling if the sound is playing, and add the other events as a sub of that one, that should work. So:

    Audio is not playing
    --- arrow key pressed -> play audio
  • For my main game, which is quite large, I have a layout called "Layout of Things" here I place all the things that spawn at some point in the game so that I can reference them. In smaller games I just place them in the layout but outside, on the grey area so that it's there but can't be seen.

  • You could use xml or csv documents (easy to make with Excel) to store the text for your game and have a different one for each language. Have a language option at the beginning, so if you pick French then it loads the French csv document into an array (which does require the csv to array plugin).

    Whenever text is used in the game it recalls it from a particular cell in the array, so it's always the same cell just a different language.

    That's what I'm planning to do anyway, and it seems like a very efficient way of doing it.

  • You've probably worked it out by now, but events 24 and 26 conflict with each other.

    scorebrain=10 -> set "scorebrain" to 10

    scorebrain?0 -> set "scorebrain" to 0

    I don't really understand your scoring system, either. Surely it's constantly resetting to 0 because of event 29?

  • My favourite way of doing this kind of thing is to make a top layer filled with black, you make sure it's visable and tick Force Own Texture. Then make a white coloured sprite to be the torch, set the blend mode to Destination Out.

    Go the events and make a new one, set it that every tick the torch sets its position to the character, then set the angle of the torch to the character angle.

    Here's an example using a character with 8 direction ->

    You can change the layer opacity to make more or less of the level visable. Is that what you were trying to achieve?

  • If you export to NW.js it will give you an OS version that will work on a Mac

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  • There is a condition under the chosen object, Pick Nearest/Futhest. Can you utilise that?

  • Mine is my company logo

  • You can send a link by putting the folder in a public folder, right clicking and selecting Send Public Link. And I've tried replicating what you've done and I think I'm missing something, so I think you're going to have to post a link to the project

  • Ahh awesome, thanks very much! I knew it would be something ridiculously simple >.>

  • Hey,

    I'm making a platform game where the player must perform several actions before they complete the level. I have a trigger at the end of the level that says "You still have X trees and Y flowers to fix before you can finish!"

    X and Y are variables, and I'm having trouble using an event to set the text to include them.

    In my mind the action should read:

    "You still have "&trees" trees and "&flowers" flowers to fix"[/code:36kuzi35] however, if I try to ok this, I get an error that reads "Syntax error! The expression appears to end before here - are you missing something before it?" with the section " trees and " highlighted.
    Basically, I don't know what I'm missing or what I'm doing wrong here :/
  • 13 posts