lionz's Forum Posts

  • If you can disable menus then what is the problem? I click Menu One and Menu One appears. I click Menu Two and Menu Two appears etc. They are only text objects anyway. What exactly are the menus as all I can see are text objects?

  • I'm confused. I can't see a circle inventory or draggable items. Please explain what the problem is more clearly as I can't work it out from playing this game. I walk around and he picks up items and they go in the inventory.

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  • The way I do it is to put each menu into a group and then enable/disable the menus I want. The .capx doesn't show much but this is how I would go about getting what you want.

  • Add a condition 'Countdown > 0' in the event for Click Space > Increase by 1

  • I don't think you need to use arrays? What is your plan with them? I would just enable player attack. I'm not sure if you wanted a menu or you're clicking to attack? Then when the player has attacked, disable the player's ability to attack and then have the enemy choose a random move with random damage. It kinda depends on the design of the game but should be fairly straight forward in C2. I think it gets difficult once you start adding character progression and offensive/defensive stats but the basic turn based combat should be fine.

  • yeah in future you can debug check variables with text objects so that you know for sure they are being set correctly.

  • The first one looks fine...Instead of the Else you can use the same event twice and invert it if you want. Mouse Cursor is over btnStart > Right click > Invert. This will then set the anim to default when the mouse cursor is not over a btnStart object but the Else should suffice anyway..

  • Spawning on layer 0 which is the bottom layer. Might be behind another object.

  • Ah of course! Thanks for the help <img src="smileys/smiley20.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello!

    Thought I would update my problem here. I have come across an issue that I'm struggling to resolve.

    Upon pressing a switch, an obstacle tile moves well out of the way.

    Upon releasing a switch, an obstacle tile moves back to its original spot.

    If I select a spot as destination and start pathfinding, upon releasing the switch that I'm pressing, the obstacle returns to its original spot but the player will walk through it. I've not been able to solve this with regenerate obstacle map. Has anyone come across an issue like this or does anyone have a quick way of solving it?

    If it's not entirely clear what I want is for the player to detect that the obstacle tile has returned to its original spot and therefore block the player as he moves into it.


  • How have you been saving? Isn't it just Clear Local Storage/ Clear Session Storage?

  • Got it, you have to Regenerate Obstacle Map when obstacles move. Doh!

  • Has anyone else had this problem before, is it a known bug? I have water tiles set as obstacles and when I move them or destroy them on the press of a switch, the player cannot pathfind around or through where the tiles used to be. It's as if they are still there whether moved or destroyed.

  • The layout doesn't have to be on screen and visible to enable things on it. You can run functions on the secret area to enable it while the main layout is on screen if you want.

  • If you need any more minor edits help I would take this to PM with me, thanks.