lionz's Forum Posts

  • > The boxes with the pictures of the swords on, what do you do with them because hitting them with your sword doesn't do anything.


    If you had read the little scrolls (in game manual) then you would have learned that you need a dagger to break those particular boxes

    Great game UlisesFreitas. I agree that the animation for the basic attack does seem a little slow, but it doesn't detract from the fun of the game.

    Good job

    I imagine so but there were so many. It should be self-explanatory really as you're going through. I should be given the dagger and then shown the boxes! I was slashing them with my sword like WTF. A good tutorial shows you by doing really than just explaining with scrolls I have to stop and read. The info I wanted in the beginning wasn't there anyway, how do I attack?? I guess I missed out on using some fun daggers huh : (

  • This is how I would do it in pseudo code -

    Global var=0

    Pick a random sprite, set object instance var to global var. Add 1 to GV

    Repeat 3 times.

    You then have 4 sprites with a variable set that is 0, 1, 2 or 3.

    Then you relate the instance variables to the co-ords. If 0 then set position to 100,130, if 1 then set to 160,130 etc

  • No problem, I like to help out the users. You can learn new things when helping too!

  • Nice game I enjoyed it. You get to the first area though, the thing says 'hit the enemies with your sword', yeah how? I'm spamming every button looking for slash

    The basic attack is too long and drags, it plays like a super attack, needs shortening a little. The boxes with the pictures of the swords on, what do you do with them because hitting them with your sword doesn't do anything. Looks great though

  • LOL the name, and the text on this trailer. Looks good.

  • Whatever he sent you in PM can't be too difficult, it's quite simple to set up variables like this. The Family becomes an object, instead of picking a single object you are picking from all the objects in the family. Pick random instance > sprite, or you use Pick random instance > family. If you're going to make a game with some complexity you should get your head around the debug mode and looking at objects to see what their current states and variables are, then you'll have an idea of what has changed and what is set as you expected.

    As an example, you have ships. Ship A, Ship B and Ship C are all in a family called Ships.

    Pick a random instance Ship A. That will choose one object, a randomly selected Ship A.

    Pick a random instance Ships. That will choose one object, a randomly selected Ship A, Ship B or Ship C.

    You select a Family as though it is just another object but really it represents all the objects within it.

    They are useful for when you want to sometimes group events.

    For example in this game, if you wanted to say :

    Bullet A can damage Ship A

    Bullet B can damage Ship A

    Bullet A can damage Ship B

    Bullet B can damage Ship B

    You put the bullets into a bullets Family and the ships into a ships Family and then it becomes one event applied to all :

    Bullets (family) can damage Ships (family)

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  • As a standard they should all play and overlap based on that logic so your actual sound is probably cut off when it plays once?

  • Technically they are at the correct positions but you're scaling individual layers. If for example the police unit is on a scaled layer and the ground is not then it will look offset. Usually I use set layout scale for zooming, which scales everything together and avoids any issues like this.

  • Can't get to that file but I'm assuming it's because of the top to bottom structure of events in C2, where you've probably said if 0 set to 1, if 1 set to 2 so it makes the first event and second event true in order. You can add a small wait 0.1 secs before you set the variable if you want, this should stop that from happening. My guess could be completely wrong but I am assuming this is what you've done.

  • Usually in appdata folder.

  • I would use a function for something like this because of the trigger event. I've left a wait in so you can actually see what it's picking. ... .capx?dl=0

  • The way that logic is set up, it picks the 3 random sprites first before doing anything else, so it can pick the same one more than once.

  • Oh right, yeah just use the tilemap on its own if you're going to build it like that. No need for an additional sprite for collision.

  • Not entirely sure what you're asking here in terms of an invisible solid sprite for the collision but a tilemap is used mainly for top-down games to map out large areas with optimised collision. For a 2D platformer you wouldn't use a tilemap, likely just sprites with box collision for platforms.

  • That is what you're after? I didn't look too deep into the logic of the game. ... r.jpg?dl=0