Hello! I am trying to make a game with a dilaogue and there is a text box that changes its text accourding to the character who is talking.
In some parts, the text was to big for the box, so I have created "next" and "previous" buttons to pass through the text.
I tried doing it as on the image bellow: when the mouse clicks the "next" for the first time, the variable "clique" changes fom 0 to 1, and when the mouse clicks the next again and the variable is 1, it will set the text again to another text and set the variable to 2, and so on.
Print: drive.google.com/file/d/0B0uZA6 ... sp=sharing
However, when I click the next bottom (avancar) for the first time, the variable changes from 0 directly for 2, and I cannot read the 2nd part of the text. I guess it is because when one event happen, the conditions to the next one are alreday true. But it shouldn't happen until I click the button again.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve it or make it in other way?