It's because the audio doesn't start loading until it calls the 'play' action and it will begin playing when it has finished loading which could be random. It is better to preload audio before you go to this layout with the preload action, then when preloads are complete go to the layout. At that point the audio should play at the time you want.
I don't need any art but I'll make use of the music if I ever finish my game. I'll donate and credit you if I do use it.
This has been asked a lot over the years and I don't think it can be done. Most use SpriteFont plugin for their custom text.
Replace 'on start of layout' with 'every X seconds'
Yes you can save individual data as keys using local storage, look at the section 'using local storage'
Great :)
It's a condition that goes on the left with the variable checks, it's under system > trigger once while true!
The conditions are true for a while so its adding lots to the won variables, you need to add a trigger once condition.
As described I know how to do it but then I look at your examples and they don't make much sense to me, what do they mean?
Edit: oh are you referring to ASCII? You didn't really mention that, no idea then ^^
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Yes global variables will be fine for a settings menu.
Global variables are saved between layouts so if you move to one it will keep that data. The number of cards would be one variable and the difficulty could be a text i.e."easy" or a number variable. Saving the game is a very different thing, you can use local storage (see manual) to save variable data and load it again next time, and Ashley's tutorial is linked on there about how to make save games.
No pathfinding required, I mean based on the information that I have, depends if your game is more complicated than it seems. Plants vs zombies is just simulate control left towards the left side of the screen, the action 'simulate control left' moves the enemy as though the enemy is pressing left key.
If you're trying to do something like plants vs zombies then you should really be using 8-direction behaviour with simulate left/right for simplicity of moving left or right across the screen.
Do you mean a playable prototype? Yes Construct is good for that.