lionz's Forum Posts

  • My guess is because your walk animation logic is still true even when sliding? You need to add to your walk 'if slide is false' or something similar.

  • I finally sorted out my subscription and took a look, it is as I said in a previous thread the events are running every tick hundreds of times. Adding a trigger once to what you have will kind of work but then it doesn't reset the attack. You need to find a way of having it trigger once each time and cycle round so try a different structure.

  • I don't understand how anything that simple could cause bugs. In a bigger project, if you approach your coding like this it will turn into a mess of variables spread around event sheet.

    There is also no need to transfer that data between levels (this is what global variables are normally used for) as it is just inputs and if you use getter function you can do it all even better.

    Usually player related things are used globally throughout the game so as a standard I use global variables for anything player related. Whether I'm using global or instance variables it is kind of irrelevant though as the events are the same, it is just a preference.

  • Better use instance variable tho. Bad habit using global variables for everything.

    The variable is used to detect the shooting direction of the player, anything player related I use global variables because it's just easier to avoid bugs. The bullet then takes its angle directly from the player's shooting angle stat.

  • Just do the following :

    Add a global variable

    Under the set bullet to angle degrees actions, add a different action 'set variable to X degrees' where X is the value you have for the bullet angle.

    Delete the set bullet angle actions.

    On the spawn/click event, add an action below spawn bullet : set bullet angle to 'global variable' degrees

  • I could make it but you are trivialising the work by saying it is only a battle system, I could not just make it and show you, it would take a while to make, it's a large project. You need to first decide which enemies will spawn and apply all stats. You need to have enemies acting in turn with their own decision making, and all of these attacks need to affect the player. You need to be able to damage and apply statuses to enemies and detect when they die, take them out of the turn based system. You need to then add XP gained, loot and other things that decide the end of the battle. Probably a bunch of bug fixes too along the way. What you are describing that you have already done with the stats sheet, that is the design.

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  • I don't see how everything is almost done, looks like none of it is done? To make a turn based battling system it's going to require some work, it's not as easy as saying this is how you make it.

  • You should set the angle of the bullet as it is spawned. Since you already have the key events you could set a variable to a value, and then on spawning the bullet, depending on the value set it will set that direction.

  • Try replacing the bottom events with 'left button is down' and 'right button is down'

  • The conditions at 11, 12 and 13 should be asking whether the global variable is 1, 2 or 3.

  • boss looks good but think about removing that yellow font argh

  • Instead of the choose you mentioned, you use random(x,y) to get a number between 1-100 and then if its 5 or less it will spawn the 5% rare item.

  • My subscription on C3 ran out yesterday oops. I'll check it out when I can, or someone else might.

  • That share link isn't great, requires permission

  • If the initial event is running every tick then you add waits later on it will still start running every tick and spamming once it catches up, maybe it's doing this and running FPS times a second. This is unnecessary though, split it up into smaller events, why not?