How do I create a Megaman Slide?

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From the Asset Store
Fully commented source code/event sheet & sprites to create a space shooter game
  • My character ends up doing a walking animation instead of sliding.

    Even though I made it a condition that I can't walk if sliding.


    ----+ Keyboard: On S pressed

    -----> System: Wait 0.2 seconds

    -----> Player: Set Platform maximum speed to Slide_Speed

    ----+ Keyboard: On S pressed

    ----+ Player: [X] Is Slide

    ----+ Player: Is mirrored

    -----> Player: Set Slide to True

    -----> Player: Set Platform maximum speed to Slide_Run

    -----> Player: Set Platform deceleration to Player.Platform.Deceleration÷Slide_Time

    -----> Player: Set Platform vector X to -Slide_Run

    -----> Player: Set animation to "SLIDE" (play from beginning)

    ----+ Keyboard: On S pressed

    ----+ Player: [X] Is Slide

    ----+ Player: [X] Is mirrored

    -----> Player: Set animation to "SLIDE" (play from beginning)

    -----> Player: Set Slide to True

    -----> Player: Set Platform maximum speed to Slide_Run

    -----> Player: Set Platform deceleration to Player.Platform.Deceleration÷Slide_Time

    -----> Player: Set Platform vector X to Slide_Run

    ----+ Player: Platform is on floor

    --------+ Player: Is Slide

    ------------+ Player: Platform speed ≤ Slide_Speed

    -------------> Player: Set Slide to False

    -------------> Player: Set Platform maximum speed to Slide_Speed

    -------------> Player: Set Platform deceleration to Player.Platform.Deceleration×Slide_Time

  • My guess is because your walk animation logic is still true even when sliding? You need to add to your walk 'if slide is false' or something similar.

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  • I've tried that, I've tried adding walk to be false during slide, I've got walk deactivated during slide. Nothing works.

    It's weird sometimes it will slide, and other times it won't. Like it's constantly at battle with itself.

  • if it's still not working then you'll have to share the project

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