lionz's Forum Posts

  • I would trim this down or start again because it looks highly convoluted for such a simple thing. You're using an array but at the same time have made it all about the visible slot objects. To delete an item of the array should not require that much logic and it's made it super confusing, you will likely encounter more bugs. To delete an item from an array, should be set item at slot_ID,0 to "" when the slot is clicked. There is a lot of variable setting on the slot too, this isn't required either because you're using a slot_ID to gather info from the inventory to use at any time.

  • You can give the object 'Persist' behaviour which means it keeps its state and therefore animation frame when you return to the layout. Or alternatively you can store the frame in a global variable and set it on start of layout.

  • Welcome! I will just explain a few things that I saw.

    The movement controls in your group do not do much, the condition should be 'key is down' rather than 'on key pressed' which is a trigger one event. The platform behaviour has something called 'default controls' which is where the arrow keys work for moving. Because this is enabled it is actually this which is working for the movement and not your events, which is why disabling them has no effect. If you untick 'default controls' on the platform behaviour you can start to simulate your own controls.

    Slash is created at its size in the editor around 24x24 whereas the player object has been adjusted in the layout to be a bit larger so this is why the player is larger than the slash object. You need to adjust its size in the editor or when the object is created. Also you are trying to set an animation from another object, you cannot do this and the animation must be on the slash object.

  • I guess so, it needs to face the right way. You'll have to use both then.

  • Ah I see so the animations for left and right are different. Due to this I guess you drop mirror and just set animation. You can flip the left ones in the image editor. Then just make sure image points are correct across all animations. I saw you had a lot of mirror events, in my experience too many can cause bugs further down the line with many enemies on screen. You may come across some bugs later on with enemies acting strangely.

  • It's because you're making use of mirror and also have animations for right and left, this doesn't make much sense. You should have one idle and one walk animation and mirror the object only. When you change animations but also mirror, it moves the image points to the opposite side which only affects the C equipment and what is happening here. So what you're seeing is a left animation that looks left, then a mirrored right animation that looks left but has the image points in the same place so the pinned objects will appear on the wrong side.

  • You don't detect the letter, just the person that is speaking. You can assign them an ID and when they speak use that ID and play a sound, or so I can decipher from the info given.

  • This looks interesting, I'll add it to my wishlist. Too expensive right now!

  • When the animation ends on the last frame it counts as not playing anymore or finished. So as soon as it finishes, it will revert back to whether the player is moving or not and play those animations. Essentially the player shows moving or idle until you press Z, then invisible plays and finishes, then we return to when you hadn't pressed Z. The only way it could be an issue is if 'invisible' loops, but in that case you would expect it to be on a timer or stop on another button press which is also a fine trigger.

  • More the other way round because the key press is the overriding animation. You want to play moving and idle whenever possible, so you add conditions to these animation events such as 'invisible is not playing', so if invisible is playing it will not play standing or idle until invisible ends, then return to playing either moving or idle.

    In the specific case of your event sheet you can add second conditions to both the bottom events 'invisible is not playing' and it would be fixed but also trying to explain why it would be fixed.

  • It's a common issue so not to worry. It's because several conditions are true for setting animations so it tries to set them all at once and you end up seeing the animation which appears last in the event sheet. In this case you can be pressing Z but also 'not moving' which triggers both of the Invisible and Standing animations. Way to get around it is to add other conditions to the bottom events such as 'player is not moving' AND 'animation invisible is not playing'.

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  • It won't work exactly like that but if you pick player 1 and say change animation of object A and object B, it would change the object A and B related to the player 1 that was picked so you have some control.

  • Containers is the correct use here, looks like you have it working. No you do not need to use Family for this, the container allows you to pick 'player' which also picks the related objects in the container at the same time. Family use would be if you wanted to apply something to multiple 'player' objects.

  • Because you have player object and 2 objects pinned to it that have same animations, I'm not sure why you're using Families? You can maybe make use of a container which groups everything together and all are created and relate to each other. By using Families you are restricting yourself because you cannot pick individual objects. In the screenshot above you should pick the individual objects and pin them, not use a Family.

  • You create the objects individually. Family is for applying something to all members of a family.