lionz's Forum Posts

  • Link is broken and what you're saying is probably true as this is a common error. You can make sure multiple animation conditions are not true, such as if you want to play an idle animation you could say player is not moving, AND not jumping, so a jump animation and a walk animation would still play correctly.

  • When you start an animation it cancels the previous one unless the conditions for the previous one are still true then it would cause a bug. Just make sure conditions for animations cannot be true at the same time.

  • My approach would be to push simon picked colours to an array and when the player presses a combination you can compare the pressed colour with the top colour of the array. If it matches then pop the top of the array then continue and if not then you failed. If the array is empty or by tracking with a global variable for number of colours then go onto the next game.

    The initial colours for picking don't need to be in an array you can use choose("red","green","blue","yellow") which picks a random one of the 4 but then my approach would be to push the colour chosen at this point into the array for comparison.

  • You can have a global variable that adds 1 every time you die and if it reaches 2 then create and play an interstitial, and set the variable back to 0.

  • You need to click on the number now to see the alerts, not the profile avatar pic.

    Oh nice, thanks! :)

  • I can see the number of notifications now but the page is missing so I can't view or clear them.

  • If it's as simple as opening the file you can open it in the latest version?

  • If you can't export then report it as a bug

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  • Yes it was correct except the is looking for data inside the array but you wanted the position or index of the array, in this case the loopindex, but you have the right idea yep nice one :)

  • Did you change it to loopindex as I mentioned because it works for me. You can run the project in debug view, there you can see the variables and such for each instance.

  • Looks like the object which is visual is not the one you're setting the position of. Set the position of the object you are using for the collision with the cave.

  • Set listposition to is a string, the data in the array, shouldn't that just be loopindex if I'm understanding it correctly.

    The other bug is the last event because it is 0 to start with it is already triggering and restarting the layout constantly. You can run that event elsewhere like after the text object being pressed you can add it in there as a sub event to check if there are now 0 objects remaining.

  • Thanks we need them

  • They updated the site and notifications will be coming back

  • It's standard to have the bullet in the layout already, or in another unused layout. You use an initial instance to take the stats from. You can destroy it on start of layout. You could also set all the stats in the same action where you spawn the bullet as it will apply to the one spawned.