lincolnsalles's Forum Posts

  • I've read advanced random and from what I've seen, I have to use the permutation table, but I still don't understand how to use that in this project. I read but didn't understand :-(

  • I have a 6 random number generator. But no number can repeat itself.

    I use font sprite object for each of them, and each one has an instance variable, starting with 1 to 6. I also have a global score variable that goes up and so each number ends before the next one, until the 6 numbers finish randomize. It doesn't generate all 6 at the same time, first it generates the first, then the second, up to the sixth number. How do I make sure that no numbers are the same? I'll send the capx here. This is a simplified version of a slightly larger project that ran into this problem. I'll post the link here of the larger project on the page, which I also intend to post here. The objective was to generate random numbers to bet on the mega-sena, but could not repeat the numbers. A user reminded me well, that the numbers are repeating themselves, and that cannot happen. How to solve? Maybe I would have to store each number in a variable, but I couldn't do that either.

    Below the link of the capx project

    And below the link of the original project on

  • Thank you for your help

  • The method I normally use is to put play sound actions into a sub event that checks if a mute sound variable is true or not before running.

    Thanks for the answers. The way a friend of mine showed me solved the problem. It would be to create a variable for SFXvol and another for MusicVol and instead of the volume of sounds put this variable. When you want to mute just set the variable to -100 and when you want volume I'm using -15. The values can vary tb. I just got it that way.

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  • A slightly complicated but successful method is to use arrays and functions to call the sounds/songs instead of using the standard audio expressions.

    This way you can control all sounds and music separately, and get rid of that awful clicking sounds that can still be heard when all audio should be muted. I can recommend checking out Advanced Menu in the Scirra Store - this includes a very effective menu select, settings like audio and language select, and achievements/trophies.

    If you purely just wanted audio, create an array that can toggle between 2 values on sound on/off button. Then use a similar code like this as the function that will be called.

    + Function: On "PlaySound" + AOption: Value at 2 = "on" -> Audio: Play Function.Param(0) not looping from Sounds at int(AOption.At(3)) dB (tag "")

    Then, to call the sound, ie a menu click or a bullet firing, instead of using -> Audio: Play bang_01.webm not looping at volume 0 dB (tag "") use the call function like this

    -> Function: Call "PlaySound" ("bang_01")

    I confess that this method is too advanced for me as a beginner, but thanks for that answer.

  • In this topic here, the same was asked, but it was not answered. I have the same problem. I created an options menu and one of the options when clicked mutes the game sounds, but I'm not able to implement that. I've already tested set muted, set paused, set volume, stop, etc. Only the silent set works, but then it silences all the sound of the game including the songs. I created a variable that turns the sound on or off, but you can still hear little bits of it while others are really muted. How can I actually implement what I see in many games?

    Remember that when I do the same scheme for the game music it works, but not for the sounds. And remembering that I'm using the sound tags.


  • In fact I would think to optimize well before 1 GB. In fact, I'm always thinking about graphics in terms of how to optimize. One question: is the estimated use of V-ram in debugging the stage Image memory?

  • Thanks for the reply. I Will try Later. Anda I Will answer here

  • Hello. How do I create a shot just like the r-type, which has 3 different sizes depending on how long you keep the button pressed? There are 3 different shot sprites depending on how long you keep the button pressed. Also, each of these 3 shots has a different damage. The smallest causes less damage and the larger more damage. And there is also a bar that grows as you keep the button pressed. I don't know if they ever asked that, but don't find


  • Thank you very much. You really helped me a lot, this group is amazing and we can learn everything we want, I believe. I had actually read about making hierarchies in the layout itself, but I didn't think it would make a difference from action by event. In my case, the action of creating the hierarchies by event only worked if I placed an instance of the object in the layout. But that way the hierarchy really stays anywhere and still saves events. Very effective. Thanks.

  • Hi. I created an example of the problem, but I must be really missing something, probably. I created a layout called bank where I placed the player object made up of 3 more parts. I also created an event sheet for the player only. And I created another layout called phase 1, where I put an event to create the object that should be created with the parts. In this layout I also refer to the player events spreadsheet, which is where the player hierarchy creations are.

    I was wondering, should I create these hierarchies in each layout? Like creating a function out of it and calling it in each layout?

    What is really working is putting an instance with all the parts in the layout that I want to appear, then it works. But if I just create at run time without an instance in the layout, I don't create with the parts.

    To summarize the problem: in the stage 1 layout, when I create the player object it does not come with the hierarchy parts. There is no such instance of the player in the stage 1 layout, only on the bank page.

    Follow the attached example.

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  • Hello. I still haven't figured out how to create an object in execution time that comes with all its parts (I created a hierarchy and container but it didn't work). I am creating objects composed of several parts, but I am leaving them in the object bank. When I create them in other layouts they don't come with all the parts. How do I do that?

  • So, this program that you mentioned is the one I mentioned above that I already use. I thought he didn't support non-Latin characters, but he does. The point is that it doesn't come naturally when you choose the font. You have to go to the windows character map and choose character by character from the font, in the case of Chinese it is too much character. But I got the Russian, which are few. Anyway, I will give up Chinese, otherwise it will complicate everything. Thanks