Lightside's Forum Posts

  • Use DROPBOX.

    Easiest way.

    But how could they run the .capx ? ;-;

  • I want to make a gift for a friend. I want it to be really funny / weird and implement things that would otherwise be copyright, like popular music and well known ideas.

    It'll just be between her and me, a mobile game to maybe make them laugh / feel better.

    Any way I could easily share it to them and only them if they just have a phone and we can't meet in person?

    And is this still considered personal use?

  • I used to have a prototype of something you want to do. I made it by having 9 coordinates (9 tilemaps) loaded at the same time. then every time my character walks i would load the other 9 coordinates adjacent to the player, and delete the non-adjacent ones. It is little trouble some since you need to manually handle the creation and deletion of the tilemaps. There is no work around on these since it will affect your game's performance I recommend to always check the number of objects running in your game (system expression objectcount). If you are doing mobile roughly reduce your active objects to 30-50. If you are doing desktop maybe less than 100.

    re-uping this in case my internet didn't send it,, basically I said something like this:

    Object count wont be much of an issue for me, other than the insane size of one of the tilemaps,,, but perhaps having multiple small tilemaps will make it easier to make (for some reason I get lag using the tilemap editor if it's really large (one million pixels wide), and it's actually made my laptop crash before. I have a 2.0ghz quad processor on my laptop sooo.. idk....

    as far as the fanatic badges, it's a bug, I have checked in every day for a couple months, but on some days it says I've been online for 600+ days straight... if you look at the badge counts, more people have fanatic badges than dedicated badges.... I'm not sure what triggers the bug

  • Lightside Personally I have tried creating a test for an infinite semi auto-generated map. Check out this game in the arcade Basically you need to load all your map configurations in a json file and load and generate them on demand. You also need to remove all unused tilemaps to avoid memory issues.

    Is your game a top view shooter or a side view platformer.

    I'm working on a top down shooter, and I don't want to use random generation (awesome concept though). Simply put, the world I want to make is massive, and a 1,000,000 pixel wide tilemap would most likely lag quite a lot. Any ways to get around that?

  • I want to make a world map approximately 100 miles x 100 miles.

    To scale the world to my player sprite, I would need about 3.6 million pixels wide.

    I am comfortable with using a 1 : 3.6 scale since Construct 2 limits the layout to 1,000,000 pixels wide / tall.

    But even still, the tilemap required for that size lags quite a bit, so much that I can't use it.

    Would you recommend using a layout grid? I have yet to buy Construct 2's full version (I'm working on it though) so I am limited by events. Perhaps once the player reaches the top edge of a 10 mile x 10 mile area "A5" they are moved to a corresponded area in area "A4"?

    I'm open to ideas. I don't want to use a ton of events (preferable less than 15, but I'll consider up to 20) but I want a huge map ;-;

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I think perhaps maybe I've solved it.

    It should be negative health.

  • Why can't I get a sigmoid function to work?

    Every tick, the value of an instance variable is set to


    Health is a global variable that changes every tick and is normally greater than 10,000

    Is my sigmoid formula wrong? It's returning the number 0

    I think the number is EXTREMELY small and is being rounded down to 0, but isnt the point of the sigmoid function to always produce a number between 0 and 1....

    I'm trying to make a simple artificial neural network...

  • That many objects shouldn't really be causing such a slowdown, but without seeing what you've done we can only guess.

    For example, I just quickly added 500 bullet objects to a Layout and the fps was a constant 60 FPS.

    What does debug profiling have to say?

    Maybe best to post your .capx for all to to check for you.

    Unfortunately the .capx is for my now completed game on the arcade and I don't really want to post the .capx because I worked really hard on it ;~;

    Other possibilities is that the hero is a physics object with a linear dampening of 50... World gravity is set to 0, and on W is down, a forward force of 100 is applied, with A and D rotating it. (I wanted it to resemble the car movement)

  • I've been working on a game that will sometimes have up to 300-400 objects with the bullet behavior moving in straight lines. They're destroyed as soon as they leave the relatively small layout and whenever they hit something in the layout, so that's not the problem. Ideally I want at least 30fps, but often times 15-20fps is the case, leading to a "slow motion" effect that I'd rather avoid.

    Any tips on how to improve the frame rate?

    The bullets have four points in their collision matrix and move at 200 pixels per/sec.

    Any tips are appreciated.

  • Another update today, now at v1.8

    Added the ability to upgrade walls. For 100$ (the price of a normal wall), you can add extra HP to a wall.

    Level 1 = 75HP

    Level 2 = +100HP

    Level 3 = +125HP

    Level 4 = +150HP

    Level 5 = +175HP

    Level 6 = +200HP

    (upgrading a wall doesn't reset the initial HP, it simply adds bonus HP at a cheaper rate)

    I also added a hurt animation for when zombies are shot.

    To accompany the wall upgrade update, I also made it so you can view a wall's HP simply by hovering the mouse over it.

    And I increased the starting $ to 800$, which is subject to change of course.

  • Large update today. Now at v1.6

    Changed zombie movement to avoid orbiting. Essentially zombies walk directly as you instead of accelerating to your location. This fixes the game breaking strategy of orbiting zombies around so they can't hit you.

    Lowered the initial wall count on the original level to encourage independent base building.

    Lowered the firing rate to encourage building walls instead of run&gun

    Added an automatic Wave countdown to balance that I also added slow HP Regen for the player.

    Walls are much more durable, again, to encourage using them.

    Known issues:

    Sometimes zombies can glitch through corners of a wall. I think this is because the zombies behind them are pushing them into a solid and teleport through it, and I'm working towards fixing this.

    Zombie hordes result in zombie movement glitches. Like the wall glitch, I think this is because zombies are being pushed into each other. To help somewhat I've caused this to slow the zombie, benefiting the player and also preventing large hordes from forming.

    If you press F at exactly 1 second on the countdown timer, I think a double round can start. I'll be fixing this shortly.

  • I've started a wave based survival game. It's a top down zombie shooter with turret defense mechanics.

    I plan to add lots more to the game soon and I would love for people to test it out.

    Comment how you feel about it. Any input ideas are appreciated. What should be changed, and what ideas do you have?

  • I'm making a top down game and whenever the player runs into a wall too fast, they'll get stuck.

    Trying to move just moves them around the border of the wall until they luck out and manage to somehow break it's grasp by rotating and moving away.

    And often times that boosts the player as they're flung away from the wall at last.

    The player has custom movement and platformer movement for the sole purpose of not being able to move through walls.


    One solution I've thought of would be for the player to bounce off the walls like a billards ball. The player is moving often moving really fast so a ricochet would be really neat.

    Any ideas on how to make that possible?

  • Personally, I pronounce it as "cun-s(h)truct" but if it's actually "CON-struct" then... I'll have to work on pronouncing it right! X3

  • I logged in yesterday for the first time in AT LEAST half a year. I plan to start designing again, so I logged in, anticipating the incoming gaming laptop I recently started saving for.

    I played some games, commented on some, checked out the badges, reputation, ect.

    A couple hours later I got back on and noticed I'd accidentally gotten a gold badge? Whoa!

    Except it was for Fanatic, and my page listed that I'd been online for 121 consecutive days!

    I gained 500 rep for it, but I think the real rep would be from reporting the issue. I don't know who to talk to about this, but maybe this is a good place to start.
