leysanity's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • you should create your image larger than what you want for your game. that means X2 or larger. then import it in photoshop or gimp or other software with better scaling.

    letterbox scale is easily the solution if you want your game to support multiple resolutions. you just need to create your layout(GAME BACKGROUND) larger than your screen and keep the important buttons anchored so that it will stay in the same position no matter what.

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  • I'm creating a vertical platformer game that will most likely,hopefully support many screen resolutions without sacrificing too much of the game quality.

    What I want to do is create a layout slightly bigger than the intended windows size, so that if the device requires bigger screen it will show the extended lay out instead of black.

    Of course you need to tweak the buttons/Important UI/Information so that it will stay in the same position on screen no matter how you change the screen size.

    credits to blog.gemserk.com/2013/01/22/our-solution-to-handle-multiple-screen-sizes-in-android-part-one

    Now my problem is very simple but I can't find a way to do it, sorry for being a construct 2 noob. Is it possible to move "window size" to the center of the layout? Because it's always on the top left corner.

  • I'm sorry but it's not what I want to do. I want to be able to extend my layout upwards to continue creating a platform manually.

    for example: If I already reach the top of my current layout by filling in platforms, I want to extend it upwards so that I will be able to add other platforms.

    but what happens is that, if I extend the height of my layout it extends downward.

    it's not an infinite jumper game. I design the layout and platforms manually.

  • I'll try that, thanks!

  • you should check this post and ask for tips from the author. he is currently making a TBS game like Advance Wars.


  • you should check this post and ask for tips from the author. he is currently making a TBS game like Advance Wars.

  • First of all, sorry for my bad English cause I'm an Asian.

    I'm making a vertical platformer game, just like "Icy Tower".My problem is every time I expand the height of my layout ( to add more platforms ), the added space goes downward.

    Is there a way to make it expand upwards? cause that is easier for me. Or I just have to put something like 1280 X 100000... at the start?

    Sorry for being a noob.

    suggestions are highly appreciated. It's a brilliant game with new ideas and gameplay.

  • 7 posts