lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Every animation have their own properties (Speed, Loop, Reapeat...)

    So why then there's an option to set initial animation/frame/visibility for each instance ?

    If Initial animation for each instance is different in layout editor, why animation speed should be taken from default animation? that have no sens at all

    check my post above.

    If you change a speed setting for 1 instance, it updates all instances in the editor

  • Ok here is a kicker !!

    first, set all defaults animations to 0. (the copies)

    Then set only 1 of them to 100.

    now check your other intances "defaults" they all changed to 100 , while you only changed 1.

    So yes, they effect eachother.

    The last set setting of an instance will count towards all of the objects instances.

  • GenkiGenga it is a bug. Setting one instance animation speed should not affect any other instances if they have set different initial animation.

    How would setting a different initial animation make the objects animation propperties unique ?


    from the manual

    Sprite properties


    Click the Edit link to open the Image and Animations editor for the object. All instances of the object type share a single set of animations.

    check bold part.

  • Its by design:

    You have 2 sprite instances, same name, SAME PROPPERTIES. if you change propperties of 1, it changes the propperties of both those instances. (as in effect, they are 1 object, just has a copy about in the layout)

    edit: in your example, each instance has one of the animtions set to 0, in effect, setting both instances their animations to 0.

    If you clone an object, you get 2 sepperate instances, each needing a unique name.

    If you change the propperty of one, it does not change the other.

  • You made a copy of the instance.

    Which make both objects the same.

    Clone your object, and try again

  • The target platform for deployment will determine most of your limitations.

  • I tested this too and happens too on my computer.


    Your layout is bigger then your project size.

    The pieces that dissapear are simply out of view, because the screen does not know where it should go.

    If you change your layout size to the same size of your project, fixes it.

    If you add scroll to behaviour to your square object (same size layout, or bigger then project view) , fixes it too.

    Looks to me this is more of a design mechanic problem.

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  • Did you change the order back ?

    Meaning, trigger once below the jumping.

  • It does not need a fix, it requires "more"

    If you have an idle animation:


    on anmation jumping finished


    play idle animation

    when the animation changes, the trigger once condition gets reset.

  • If you shoot, and then jump again, do you get sound then ?

    (Im thinking the animation needs to change before its triggered again on jumping)

  • Set animation "Jumping" playing

    is animation "Jump" playing.

    Jump is not the same as jumping

  • Browser.ExecJS("window.var =" & AJAX.LastData & ";")

    are you refering to a variable named "var" ? if so, if I am not mistaken, that is not allowed, and probably considered illegal in javascript

    Perhaps change it to:

    Browser.ExecJS("window.MyvariableName =" & AJAX.LastData & ";")

  • A bit personal perhaps, but:

    I find that the main forum index page and sub forum index pages have too much white space everywhere.

    Makes it look unrefined.

  • Here is a great overview of things:

    Browser usages

    As you can see, internet explorer made quite a fall over the years ... but actually since last month gained 1%.

    IE11 is not bad at all.

  • The forums on nintendo are quite limited and nowhere near the activity of scirra forum.

    Is it possible to maintain a nintendo developers user group on scirra tied to a subforum ?

    Meaning only those in the group can visit / see it.

    This lets Scirra easily communicate with other scirra nintendo developers quickly, without worrying about the nda's involved.