lennaert's Forum Posts

  • What do you mean with latest score ?

  • Like NickRimer says, use groups.

    Add your on click actions to a group, and enable disable this group when needed.

    Another option could be to give them booleans to set them active.


    If you have a layer appearing above the buttons, you could add a condition to the onclick action


    onclick button

    layer "layerabovebutton" is not visible (inverted)



    The latter will only be clickable if the layer above it is invisible.

  • I think you need to clear them all, add the ones needed and regenerate map.

  • This pops to mind ...

    ratio = mouse_minimap_x/(200*layerscale)

  • >

    > maybe its a layout without even sheet ?


    Yup. Giant layouts with no events, never called via events. It's just to set the object properties.

    Actually .. I tend to add event sheets to my object layouts

    So annoying when you tweaked something ... run it .. and it loads the objects layout lol

    My object event sheets generally have something like:

    On start of layout, go to main menu

  • There is no default for this ....

    Its most likely applied in scenarios where it best fits.

    I know lots of games have full screens during level loads or after a player died, and or have smaller banners either at the bottom or smaller banners in the corners during the game.

  • Could you try and use an action event for playing the music instead of "on start of layout", something like on click sprite play music etc.

    check if it starts playing as soon as you click it then.

  • Sounds like that its likely due to your graphics driver to be honest.

    Tried another driver ?

    Do you get an error messages ?

    You could try and check the windows application log, and try and find out what makes Construct 2 actually crash.


    Windows event log viewer.

  • performance problems perhaps ?

    I have an old phone on which I test, and depending on how I mangle my events, the device can run it or crashes.

  • Perhaps performance related issues

  • for each playerb sort by distance(playera.X,playera.Y,playerb.X,playerb.Y) < 250 ascending


    loops through the objects closer then 250 pixels starting with closest.

  • If the amount of options are limited, or able to be support with a dynamic approach in mind (supporting a different order dynamically) I see no problems really.

    As a simple example

    Just imagine having a layout for each chapter, and whatever order of events lead to the next chapter being X .... then simply have it load layout X at the end of that statement .... (X could be determined by a variable, which is manipulated along the way)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • if you already have the bounce done, and simply want to "add variation", try:

    set angle: Self.Angle + choose(-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5)

    It will randomly pick one of the values from choose and will add/withdraw

  • When importing audio to construct, I always use 16 bit stereo sounds, which after importing produce two files, a .m4a and a .ogg

  • Use the facebook plugin

    Search the forum and tutorial section for it. There is quite some information about it.