lennaert's Forum Posts

  • I dont know where it was posted, but Ashley mentioned there was a higher percentage incorrect connections then what you would get if you hosted and used your own signalling server. Thought it was roughly 10% ..

  • If you still use GET methods you should be able to use that link:

    "http://myweb.com/myproject/php/login.php?nombreUsuario=" & nombreUsuario & "&passUsuario=" & passUsuario


    http://myweb.com/myproject/php/login.ph ... sUsuario=1

    in the browser and see if you get the results you are expecting. (just replace 10 and 1 with actual numbers)

    You could perhaps enable error reporting in PHP, or add a : echo mysql_error(); below the query.

    But, if you switched from GET methods to POST methods, you should update your PHP to reflect that.


    the $_GET['meh']

    should become


  • yeah remove the single qoutes in the data entry.

    Resulting in : "distanceTotal="&distanciaTotal

    To add more


    Result would look like


  • You could remove the waits, and have a extra event:

    Enemy on finished playing hurt animation, set hurt is false

    You set the enemy to attack directly after your hurt thing is over, does that need to be, or is the the attack triggered another way ? (I would assume some click or touch)

    You could add is attacking and invert it for the hurt boolean too.

    The idea of the boolean here is that it checks states before allowing something to happen.

    The for each loop should determine the state of the animations based on the booleans, and the booleans should be set by manual actions or calculations.

    Also, you proably should have some idle animation, which could be triggered in the loop with a:


    not hurt

    not attacking


    play animation idle

  • Add an event "for each enemy"

    add two sub events and put event 2 and 3 there.

  • My suggestion would be to use booleans for actions.

    player.hurt = false

    player.attack = false

    In the loop determining what to play, where the player is supposed to attack, but is getting hit, which might render him incapable of hitting:


    player.hurt = true


    play animation being hurt

    set player.attack = false


    player.attack = true

    player.hurt = false


    play attack animation

    Remember to keep an eye on the order of things.

  • When I visit the scirra.com I get a timeout and the page wont load, the error states: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS

    When I visit the scirra.com/forum it works straight away.

    EDIT: the error is gone now.

  • Sorry it took so long to adjust the capx, I should have been able to do it within 10 minutes..

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/485 ... ayers.capx

    I know it isn't perfect, yet..

    oohhh, I tinkered with something alike yesterday, but stopped after an hour ... (weird stuttering)

    Nice one


  • lennaert thanks, but that's really not what I need. I'm looking for a way to dynamically zoom in and out with the character change their distances to each other, the scroll to behavior has nothing to do with that, it's used to tell the game where to center the camera. thanks anyway =)

    edit: sorry, you meant relative .. misread some, my approach with all objects with scroll would center the camera automatically in their midst

  • new layer, game full screen ?

  • If you post a capx we could take a look.

  • Have you tried giving each of the players the scroll to behavior ?

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  • Once imported construct 2 places them in their respective objects in the project list as their frames.

    So, no.

  • Yes, in app purchases should work using cordova.

  • After connecting, and after you have done the INSERT query, with your current approach with using a Ajax GET request, the following should work.

    [quote:33zcixpd]$query =("UPDATE usuarios_aep SET distanciaTotal = '".$distanciaTotal."' WHERE nombreUsuario = '".$_GET['nombreUsuario']."' AND passUsuario = '".$_GET['passUsuario']."' ");


    I would suggest switching to post methods, otherwise it would become very easy to cheat