lennaert's Forum Posts

  • easiest, would be to have the object in an extra family. ie object player in family "Checker"

    tmpUID = 0

    on click player

    sub event: tmpUID = 0 ?

    -action: set tmpUID = player.UID


    pick all checker

    pick checker by evaluate checker.uid = tmpUID

    -action: set text to: distance(player.X,player.Y,checker.X,checker.Y)

    -action: set tmpUID 0

  • The peer should send the mouse look x,y to the host.

    The host uses the received mouse look x,y to set that peers angle.

    The object position and angle sync should take care of your player facing the right side.

  • In the peer group, you do not need the set facebook variable.

    Seeing as you sync that variable, it takes a moment after creation and the host then sets the facebook ID.

    So you should remove the "set facebookId" from the peer group.

    Also, you do not need to add the "sync variable peerID" in event 5. You can remove that.

    The multiplayer object takes care of this. you only need to set them on host and peer end, as you have done.

    Question: The facebook ID is all numbers, right ? remember that syncing object variables do not accept Letters.

  • If you post a capx I will take a look.

  • On the autojoin room function, you can set max peers and lock when full.

    It will then create a room with the same name as the first, appended with an increasing number when more rooms get created.

  • Do you have a character set somewhere ? or removed something like that .. or stored the XML file in a different format ?

    charsets, like UTF-8 or unicode etc

  • heh ... with associated objects, when you leave .. your objects get destroyed in those rooms.

    but euhm, This latency ... isn't this rather the host latency ? and the signalling server would never be able to predict this seeing as its location is not yours ?

    Your method of workaround actually sounds decent, seeing as you would get the latency between you and the host of each room.

    Downside is that during this action you would effect each games host and peers their performance for a few seconds as your stuff gets created and destroyed.

  • Vote for something that cannot realistically happen ? No, thanks.

    I vote for apples, though I need oranges, ... but want the strawberry on top too !!

    really .... construct 2 vs unity ...

    apples and oranges ....

    And why do you think talented developers create their PC games on Unity?

    Why don't they use C2 to create PC games?

    The answer is clear for everyone - they need native export.

    Nope, their ability to program in code, in something like android studio, instead of construct 2, offers them that option.

    They never 'needed' it to begin with, they just had it. It is inherent to the used programming language.

    For every successful android game developer (programming in native language) there are 100's who never produced a game because their games fail in ... well .. lots of ways and run like crap. They lacked insight, skills, creativity, endurance ... you name it.

    Saying a construct native exporter will surely produce better games; is like saying anyone who can type a line of text is surely a good programmer able to write good games.

    ... right ?

  • Did you find the connection errors there ?

    What did the headers indicate ? what error number did you get ?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Be glad it's not the Korean again, that bugger went on for days.

  • What do you mean with a busy host ?

  • Objects related to the multiplayer, on creation, simply give them the same PeerID.

    This way, when a peer is referenced, you can use that same reference for the other objects.

    you could then use a synched object variable, to determine the animation playing.

    Or have the client changing its animation simply forward this information to the host and peers, so they can change the animation accordingly.

  • On one layout, create your entire HUD on 1 layer. Make this layer global.

    In the second layout and following layouts in need of the same HUD, add a layer with the same name as the global hud layer, and voila.

  • If you tried to host a room with the same name, then yes it will join the first room with he same name.

    Perhaps post a capx.

  • It sounds like you want an host to be able to host multiple rooms in the same application/browser instance. That will not work as far as I know.

    The construct 2 host only hosts 1 room/session per running application.

    You can however, simply open a second window in incognito modus, as many as you like, and have them host rooms.

    The incognito modus allows more logins to the socket without confusing the signalling server who its talking too.

    You can have the peers/hosts message each other, in those messages they can tell who is host in which/room/instance etc you have and react to that accordingly.