lennaert's Forum Posts

  • You can also add folders in the animations.

    You can treat those like sub categories for the animation frames.

    Sprite object

    folder: stones

    Animation stones



    Animation pebbles

    • pebble1
    • pebble2

    folder: foliage

    Animation Bush

    • bush1
    • bush2

    Animation Trees

    • tree1
    • tree2


    I used that approach a lot and you can set default animation

    for tree 1

    Default animation Trees, default frame 1 (or 0 based on zero based index)

  • Any progress here ?


    Yeah I have made a couple AI's, each with varying results.

    The mechanics I used for the board game were not optimal, but worked for what I wanted to use it for.

    Development on this particular project has halted.

    I am busy trying to get some of the models I used with some mechanics in the scirra store.


  • The Enemies find path Event has a "Group Host is active" event, making this event only fire on a peer which has the group "Host" active, meaning it only gets fired on the host peer.

    When the hosts enemy object moves, its positioning gets synced to the peer.

    The random angle bit is disabled as it creates to large a difference in targeting and shooting among different peers. (preventing visual misfires on none host peers)

    The aiming relies on the default turret behavior, the less difference between peers, the more accurate the multiplayer effect will feel.

    This could actually do with an upgrade, but it would require a bit of fancy syncing and targeting which would be rather specific for this situation, making the the template less adaptable for other projects.

    The key of this template is that you have multiple objects for peers, each able to move and act individually in a multiplayer scenario.

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  • The offline mode seems to create rather excessive results.

  • I think this is the first clicker I spent more then 100 clicks on ...

    Apart from the "increases the increases" ... its rather good really.

    A little more description to increase the awareness and use of the auto clicker/attacker.

    Create weapons, I would perhaps add a visual element or effect upon creation. Perhaps sound.

    After 3 hours, lvl 56, and destroying planet level 12's in 1 click .. or ~3 secs

    Tune becomes a bit dull after an hour hehe.

    Planets changed when switching back and forth through levels ? felt odd.

    Nice system name, but I would go with something original

    Touch devices do not show popups btw, so an option to see the descriptive tooltips might be smart.

  • This is more like isometric then 3d really.

    As to efficiency:

    I would stuff all in 1 layer.

    Put the tree origin in the center at the bottom of the trunk, and use a collision polygon as a circle at the foot of the tree (lining the trunk)

    Then you can either make the tree solid, or use some events preventing you to overlap the tree trunk collision.

    For each through all the objects that require Z-sorting, descending, and place the objects at the top. Instantly solving the "who is on top" issue.

    There's a plugin or behavior for it nowadays I think. Z-sort or something.

  • It would require having a browser open with someone logged in.

    You could use some sort of password or special username, which upon trying to connect to a room and becoming host, gets checked.

    Name/pass matches ? allow joining and become host

    Name / pass does not match, disconnect from room.

  • I was hoping C2 has a way

    to connect to a local MySql database?

    Sure, you would need a local webserver too then, wamp or something alike (PHP web-, mysqlserver).

    then you can use construct 2 Ajax with PHP to the web address of you local server.

  • Ahh, sorry yes, I had started your app without the login screen.

    I've gone over your events, and your not settings any peer IDs for objects, which you should.

    Take a look at the template examples, and make sure that in your app the host and newly connected peers get a PeerID.

    For the host side:

    On peer connected: create peerobject, set peerobject.peerID to multiplayer.PeerID

    For the peer Side:

    On peerobject created, set peerobject.PeerID to multiplayer.PeerID

    Then, each player/peer or host has peerobjects with their own PeerID's, which you can use as reference, for Multiplayer.PeerAliasFromID(peerobject.peerid)

  • You actually need to set a player name .... currently in your capx it's playername = ""

    And you also login with that... not sure how that pans out, but it would be wiser to actually set a name

  • lennaert maybe it's not even necessary to sync the text? The position is synced and works but it's the name of the host-player that I want it to show up as

    Just refer to the Multiplayer.PeerAliasFromID(peerobject.PeerID)

  • I think you can only use associate object, per object, per player once.

    i.e. you can have 5 different objects associated with 1 player. As long as they are actually 5 different objects.

    Not 5 times an instance of the same object.

  • Android APK works good. Just build your app in intelxdk, Crosswalk not required.

    I have gotten best results using a plain html5 export and importing that.

  • how can I do an android multiplayer game based on local network and not internet network, just kind of P2P within 4 phones but with 1 server (me),

    You can not.

    Internet is required to connect to the signalling server which informs you who you can connect to.

  • If you enabled/use synced variables they will always be transmitting.

    You could achieve this using manually sending the peerstates when desired/required.