lennaert's Forum Posts

  • ...rather than the game stopping when the host leaves...

    This does not need to be the case.

    You can make it so that another player becomes host, and even preserve the state of the (previously) connected player(s) and game state.

    Just make every peer aware of the game states and IDs, and if you keep track of your current PeerID, you can even reconnect to the new host, and Re-use your own player object after it updated the PeerID to the new ID. You just gotta send the current host your old Id and make the host check if that ID exists.

    I have this working in various tinker projects already.

  • Try a browser restart and clear cache and file

  • Try Construct 3

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    > >

    > > Subscription will never give anyone the luxury of owning something. .

    > >


    > How about the games actually made with it ?


    Let's say someone owns a game they developed but can't work on it any further due to lockout. A player discovers a game breaking bug that they'd like fixed- it can't be done because the game's developer needs to get permission from Scirra first. Access to a potential fix is held at ransom in this case because there is no other alternative to fixing it.

    In this scenario Scirra has a stake in your development, and can dictate how that development is handled or how you handle the games you've made.

    It's kind of like being sold an instrument that is out of tune and the only solution is to tune it, however, only Scirra knows how and you have to pay them to get it tuned and there's no guarantee it'll be tuned perfectly. Overtime it might go out of tune again, it might break, parts might need replacing. If you look at it this way, then you realize that what you are buying into is a faulty product that you have no control over at the end of the day. Yes, buying into it allows you to use it for your own benefit/enjoyment and play music, and you can earn some money by playing the music for other people. The music belongs to you, but you never own the instrument- the only instrument of its kind that can play that music that belongs to you. You can duplicate that instrument and give it to everyone on the planet, but nobody can fix it until Scirra permits it to be.

    Now you can even take the argument further if you consider 3rd parties that Scirra relies on. Even if Scirra deems that you can develop the instrument further after paying up, they might provide you with tools that are faulty or unreliable. So not only do you have to appease the gatekeeper, you have to rely on other entities behind that gate that might change at any time.

    Sure, this is an exaggerated example. It's not as serious as this example makes it sound. I like Construct, and I want to see it improve- and it probably will. However, a lot of things won't improve or change, let's be honest. Does that make Scirra bad or make Construct anything less than it is? No.

    I think what people here are doing is just figuring out what is right for themselves. Do they see themselves using a specific instrument, does it make the kind of music they like- how can they express it now and in the future, etc..

    someone else, with a subscription .. could fix that bug for a small fee prospects I tell ya.

  • Make smart use of room names and store the player details locally. When a player joins a room (dungeon) just exchange stats.

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    Subscription will never give anyone the luxury of owning something. .

    How about the games actually made with it ?

  • I was in the need of a translating app, so I build this one:


    It's build in C3, exported to html5 and hosted on a https location.

    It works on mobile browsers too.

    The app itself is rather plain with no guidance, it's because I use it personally atm for tests.

    The 2 dropdown lists lets you select an input language (on the left) and an output language (on the right) The results are spoken.

    When the app/page has loaded just hit the little green button in your bottom left to start the mic.

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    In other news, it's mothers' day....

    And my god, it is a bright and sunny day over here.

    Respect those momma's folks, make ehm coffee and breakfast, show a little love.

    Back on topic (slightly):

    I was wondering, if the new online package builder (exporter) gets implemented for C2 as well, will it be free for C2 owners?

    Or will it require a fee ?

    If it does not require a C3 license or subscription, that would be just awesome.

    Off topic (again)

    I gave my mom an old classic little music box with one of those handles you need to turn. It plays le Claire de luna.

  • It's been already mentioned in a sticky by me some time ago.


    But glad you made it as a new post, people tend to forget to look inside sticky posts.

    Then I'll add, it also works for images:

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    My gosh .... sounds like some of these hobbyist game developers are actually professional marketeers ....

  • I believe its due to being stuck on the floor with the platform and trying to get off it with another plugin, easy fix is manually moving it up one time breaking free from the ground ...

    I could be wrong ... but it works ^_^

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    > For all those throwing in comparisons with other products .....


    > Just because my neighbor drives a Ferrari, doesn't entitle me to having one neither.


    Half the requests for new features are based on what other products have, why can't that apply to the business model also?

    I'm not saying we're entitled to everything others have, I'm just saying what I think is more likely to make people buy/rent Scirra's product.

    Yes, so ,... you have done a marketing research have you ?

    Or just on the products that suited you ?

  • Event 14, the else, add obj_player jetpack stop (stop jetpack)

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    For all those throwing in comparisons with other products .....

    Just because my neighbor drives a Ferrari, doesn't entitle me to having one neither.

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    Just imagine the price going up 5 cents each time one of the communities users makes a repetitive post about their their discontent with the payment model and tags Ashley or Tom in it....

    ... their time is likely far more valuable then 5 cents each time they need to read the posts and reply ....

    So, for the love of sanity .... please stop the attempts to get a majority of users to agree to something that will not happen and ride out their set path ....

    Some of you guys are really ungrateful ...

    In the end ..... there is still C2 .... noone made it an obligation to use C3 .....