lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Pick random ?

  • I changed the example in a bad physics basketball   <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Then lets prevent that :)

    links and capx updated

    web example


  • hmm, I ditched the drag and drop nd tried this:

    web example


    Its crude.

    Drag and throw gentle.

    Havent tested how it works on touch..

  • I'm guessing the mechanics are about the same, throwing is just other direction, and the trigger is near same imo..

    Mechanics just differ slightly hehe

  • Thats actually what the effect intended is ...

    Upon release object calc values to aply impulse angle

  • PErhaps your making the calls too fast ?

    "is calculating path"

    "on path found"


    I'm not seeing an interupt path or break of path find or stop follow path.

    Perhaps make sure the actions are completed first, before you call a new.

  • Thanks. I did try that and it does work. I figured out my real problem was a conflicting event I disabled a long time ago, but must have toggled it on by mistake when I enabled the group it was in.

    No sleep = tunnel vision.


    Good luck, get some sleep <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Your target device/platform will likely determine most of your games capable performance.


    Diablo vs a Boss with 100 of minions will run smoother on a pc then on a mobile phone or web browser.

    The beauty in Construct 2 lays for me in the multi platform export :)

    Its like lord of the rings .... one to rule them all ^_^

  • Depending on where you deploy your package, you might have options for that.

    Like google play offers options to retrieve previous purchased items.

    amazon has something similair.

    They will store the users identity tied to their device/store account details.

    To store it yourself, you could resort to storing in webstorage.

    Or passing information to a sepperate database through use of Ajax posts. For instance, PHP mysql.

  • just add a load of 9's in the 8ways behaviour acceleration and decelariont entries.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Not sure about anything official on that half, but, from what I read there are a couple approaches, most just not ideal or not yet widely compatible/supported.

    A lot of multiplayer services are being offered through the various web stores (play, amazon) but you will have to work with their sdks, this just limits them to their platform.

    From within construct 2 there is the option for PHP/MySql usage, that should work on all platforms having network connectivity.

    I did a multplayer tutorial   for php and mysql recently. Based on a game I made TankWars .

    Updates happen every second or so.

    Not high performance.

    Not ideal for real time play (tankwars drives slow hehe)

    But Turn based methods should work great.

    Should work on all platforms supporting the Ajax object.

  • Not sure how your looking to apply it, but distance works like:


    this gives the ditstance between a and b

    Applying it could be something like

    Compare variables

    distance(a.X,a.Y,b.X,b.Y) < 100

    action: stop moving

  • I will try and build some testing methods

    there is also the other option, having game mechanics preventing such a situation from happening in the first place   ^_^

  • Drag and drop object

    on touch set x,y start points

    on release set x,y end points

    get angle(start.x,start.y,end.x,end.y)

    get distance(start.x,start.y,end.x,end.y)

    To determine speed for object through something ike impulse applied:

    with a simple approach, use the distance as a reference for power. ie The longer someone dragged, the bigger the impulse applied.

    Or you could do something fancy, like, setting begin and end time of the drag too and comparing to distance traveled, then apply impulse proportianally.