lennaert's Forum Posts

  • I just noticed the link wasnt working, I updated it

    web example

    Andd your welcome ^_^

  • ...Thinking out loud:

    If it is values you seek from the url, or any other thing that lead a user to your program, and your using a database with web resources on your own host, you could perhaps use a simple php landing page.

    Like, link to your game becomes: somewhere.com/game/game1/index.php (insteead of index.html)

    Have the PHP catch anything you need, from URL variable, to surfer details, to user login details etc, and stuff that in a database with a generated code by php. Then have PHP forward you to your index.html.

    When the game starts perform an ajax request to your server which again generates the code and fetches whatever details you had it store.

  • i'm not that asap ....

    And that message is just that ...

    You need the plug mentioned in the message installed before you can check/see it.

  • Let me know if you find out :\</p>

  • Yan can simply scale by position on X or Y

    But you would have to coincide it with your level/layout background.

    For instance, you have a layout level where you can walk down the street, and the view goes a bit up into the depth ...

    if you used X,Y in the top left (0,0) as origin, the you could simply rely on the Y-axis, and base a small formula on how hgh up on the Y axis the image is and scale accodingly (or size)

    I use similair in my

    virtual attempt

    Its way quicker then the psuedo 3d thing

    arrows to move, and A and D for side stepping

    c to kill spiders

    x to burn the webs

  • Nope, but you can use AJAX posts to send data to PHP files, which in turn can interact with the MySql server.

  • Might be a bit over the top for what your looking for, but here is a php/mysql based multiplayer tutorial

  • You need to create the tracks yourself, and use the same loop to hook the joints on the left side, and add an event to pick the last UID and create a joint on the right side :)

    web example


  • In your example, your layout doesnt seem right; it says 480,200, while your project view is 268, 480 ...

    Try and making them the same .. ie set both to 268,480

  • I thought you get that when you put the project full screen on crop.

  • 1. use bullet behavior combined with sine.

    set sine to horizontal and influence snake movement with magnitude as the bullets angle is aimed upward (270 deg) and giving the bullet some speed.

    2. Use same as above with no bullet speed and sine vertical. On click/touch add bullet speed and set angle of motion.

    3. Use bullet and set speed 0 and no gravity

    On collision

    Choose angle left or right (200 , 320) set bullet speed and add some gravity to fake arch effect.

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  • Very true :)

    Yours is more sophisticated and offers options for manipulation and saving state.

  • This is just a guess, bu I assume that the russian one does have an english variant?

    It would seem to me that scirra prefers to know whats in and on their website ....

    And this is just a wild guess, but I dont think ashley and tom speak chinese and or russian ....

  • A simpler approach

    add a invisible sprite the same size as your unit.

    Position it at the x,y whre you intend to travel too.

    check if the object is NOT overlapping, and execute pathfinding.

    No array needed.

  • Are you able to make me 2d sprites, isometric view (bit from top), from those characters ?

    Sprites should include 8 angles, each angle, having the animations it can do (walk, run, idle, attacks) (fps 24)

    If so, I might bee interrested in a bunch :D