lennaert's Forum Posts

  • Ohw sorry, I added side stepping recently,, totally forgot.

    its a combination of arrow keys and a,d for side stepping.

    I added side stepping to see the potential of the 3d images.

    As for speed, with the top down view, the speed of your movement is what determines their speed of approach.

  • TwinTails, PlasmaGames2013, digitalsoapbox, lennaert: You can try it out, and give feedback to us. I want to encourage to tell me if you found any correction in the descriptions.

    Bear in mind that the official Photon SDK demo-particle just sends two updates per second. I don?t know its limits.

    2 updates per second :\ ?

    with nodejs I had to kick it in the b*lls cos it was giving me relay speeds of 10ms ^_^

  • Merry Christmas :)

  • Think of each row entry to a table as an object.

    for instance:

    you have a table called cars with huge rowlengths with all the details ...

    lots of details would get stored double.

    for isntance, car brand, or motor size, or just imagine if you would have more then 1 set of tires that could fit. Would you make an entire row entry with double values just to store those extra tires ?

    no, chop it up, and link items by their IDs.


    I want a car, listed with a brand, and want to know which tires fit under it.

    We get cars, brands, tires.

    Table my_cars

    -id : auto increment - key

    -brand : int (id car brands)

    -tire : int (id tire_sizes)

    Table car_brands

    -id : autoincrement - key

    -name : var char - car brand name

    Table tire_sizes

    -id : auto increment - key

    -size : int - set size

    Assuming you have rows entered in car_brands, (names with IDs) and rows added to tire_sizes (Sizes with IDs)

    when adding a my_cars, you can pick the ID from the corresponding table,which gives you a reference.

    This principal can keep your datanbase really small and fast.

    heres a rough version of a possible query:

    select tire_sizes.size as tiresize,car_brands.name as brandname from car_brands, tire_sizes where car_brands.id = my_cars.brand and tire_sizes.id = my_cars.tire and my_cars.id = 'MyChosenId'

    when done $var->brandname and $var->tiresize should give the table linked data :)

    your my_cars table would merely be storing every row, the IDs as reference to the items.

    These tables are small, but if you have lots of data in lots of tables, this will really come in use.

    There are lots of framework who use this sort of system through primary keys and indexes (INNODB)

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  • Looks nice, the command structure is very similair to that of socket.io :)

    Is it fast ?

    I upgraded my game last few days, here , with socket.io and a nodejs server.

    Is it as fast/faster then that ?


  • Hi, I wouldnt mind taking a look at the file for you.

    Here is what I made: virtual attempt

    (aswd t move, z to shoot fire x to electrify)

    my approach involved having sort of a top view map with objects positions.

    Then by simple means of comparing distance, determine size.

    Like, the closer you got, the bigger the image. Also, the closer they get, the further down the Y axis they go, faking close distance.

    In my example I added 2 3d models in sprites which have angular view point. (Just walk around, there should be a dragon with flapping wings and spiders crawling about)

  • In my experience pathfinding is great for smaller projects, but when you have large level with active objects, and you apply it as in your exmple (click to move there) that a delay happens after the initial click (making the obect perform a "find path"). Which increases with bigger leves/more objects.

    I did some development tests where I used 1 player and a handfull of enemies, worked like a charm .... till i used it in a large level, and my player didnt run away in time ^_^

  • By using AJAX posts, you can relay information back and forth to a server quite simple.

    AJAX posts are like regular form posts.

    If you have a php capable webserver with mysql in your homenetwork, then you can use that.


    cs2 app makes Ajax post request to a http addres.

    web page catches post and relays output as required. (php handles mysql)

    cs2 app receives the relay output data and makes it avaible in as AJAX.Lastdata with on ajax request complete.

  • I took a look at it, and it looks like:

    isometric example

    though that one is black and white.

    Also ... using pathfinding on such a simple level may look ok ... but just use it when you have tons of images moving about .... eventually you can see the units think when their planning their way.

  • Looks sweet :D

    I like the efffect of clinging to a ledge !!

    Nice work so far!

  • Thanks for the help,especially the link.

    But how do you get the idea of how the sprites of player etc would look like?

    How do you make a story for your game??mailto:%20

    You imagine / visualise them .. and either draw some concept art and go from there, or send your concept art to someone who knows what to do with it.

    Selecting images from free resource sites is great at first ....

    But try and find all the stuff that makes a cohesive game ... for free ... I can almost garuantee you that you will never be satisfied ... stuff dont match, things dont add up etc etc ...

    If you have ideas for a good game, its generally best to either do your own graphics, or get someone involved to do it for you.

  • audio is just one application ...

    spawning ...

    menus ...

    controls ...

    movements ...

    you name it ...

    groups are very versatile .. this will add greatly to ease of implementing global or partial disabled/enabled elements for anything created in cs2 with a very clear purpose and do right by its name :) groups

  • yeah pm's are a pain here.

    Anyway, tobey, I already invited you on skype, but no reply yet, add my mail from the pm

  • Pm'ed :)