Lemming's Forum Posts

  • I don't know if this is a bug or what, but I couldn't find anything on the wiki about it.

    When I try and play a file that has a sample rate less than 44khz, the music simply doesn't play.

    I have no problem however playing files that ARE at 44khz sample rate.

    I'm using

    Start of layout -> Play music from file

    The files are in .mp3 format and none of my media players have a problem playing the files (WMP, Foobar2000)

    Just about to try converting the files into a 44khz sample rate.


    Converting it did the trick, it is also now a .WAV file

    Should I post this again in bug reports?

  • No need to shout :/

  • I find it hard to believe no one has attempted to make a pong game before to discover this possible bug.

  • I had a good go at trying to do this, but no idea how to solve it. All I could do was set the Opponent's Y pos. to the Ball's Y pos.

    You still having problems with it?

  • A finnish guy from some university of applied science apparently made an 32-page essay paper about Construct "Construct as a tool of game development"

    Was it you?

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  • I'm voting for Palmiz because it made me laugh the most

  • Edit: I had a look at the wiki again and Huzzah I did it!

    Objective: Make incremental variables.



    I've made a private variable on the object that is spawning the enemies (ZombieSpawner) and I've called it ZombieSpawnTime

    The private variable will have an initial value of say 10 seconds.

    In the first 10 seconds it will spawn a zombie, and times the variable by 0.9 (to stop the value going into negative numbers).

    Now 9 seconds later it will do the same thing again, and so on and so on...

    +Every ZombieSpawner('ZombieSpawnTime)' milliseconds
    -ZombieSpawner Spawn object Zombie on blablabla
    -ZombieSpawner set "ZombieSpawnTime" to 0.9*ZombieSpawner('ZombieSpawnTime')[/code:1gu8ckdk]
    *The first line is accessing the private variable set on the [b]ZombieSpawner[/b]
    *The second simply spawns the object
    *The third is trying to edit that value by multiplying it by 0.9
  • That's pretty nifty! Although changing the color of the player doesn't work.

    Apart from that it looks like it could be fu-DAMN TURRETS.

    Also I noticed you've got 6 frames for your jumping and falling animation, did you run into any problems when doing that?

    Mine decides to only show frame 1 or 2 (depending on how it's feeling) of both animations, unless I use the set frame command, then it just displays the first.

    Edit: Last thing, you ever considered using box.net? Doesn't have those annoying wait times and it has a good interface so you can update files easily.

  • Ah I just tried using it again as I was finding I was having errors, foundation layer helps, thanks for the tutorial.

  • I was trying to create some nice plasma effects and found that David had created some interesting fire effects using it (http://www.scirra.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1601&p=11146&hilit=plasma+fire#p11146)

    I tried recreating it but my plasma just fills the entire box, how do I stop it from rising infinitely high?

    I've tried using plasma before but I've always had the same problem, but I just figured that that's how plasma works, until now of course.

    <img src="http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1056/plasmahelp.png">

  • > +Every random(5000)+10000 milliseconds
    +Player X is less than 400
    +Player X is greater than 200
    -Create enemy at X,Y
    -Set enemy speed to random(200)+50

    That sounds handy, what does the "random(x)+y" command do?

    I'm going to assume it chooses a random number between 0 and x, then the +y is to set a lower limit, is that right?

  • Request:

    Objective: How to make incremental and random variables.

    Info: By incremental I mean something happening more and more often the longer time goes on, for example making an enemy spawn faster and faster throughout a level.


    By random I mean giving something a random variable with upper and lower limits. For example an enemy spawns but you want it to have a constant walking speed of any number between 100 and 150.

    Resource: No Idea how to do this, so no .cap I'm afraid.

  • Whilst it was reasonably enjoyable I don't see what all the excitement was about, though that's probably because I didn't read all the story boxes, especially the millions towards the end.

    As for inspiration, without the time altering mechanics, wouldn't you just end up with Mario? Unless you're suggesting every game should have the ability to travel through time, in which case I CONCUR

  • now that i think of it.. the gear shape, with some editing and imaginative mind could be 4chan material.. if you know what i mean

    Couldn't anything?

  • ...I don't get it...

    Is the 3 layers just for having an increased sense of depth? I feel like I'm missing something here, I need a video or .cap