Leeow's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • My random generated tunnel racing type of game.


  • My random generated tunnel game improving slowly :)

    <img src="http://s15.postimg.org/lafdpv0ff/Progress.png" border="0" />

    I wish I could design as well as people in this forum though <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I have a problem where my object has an animation running while a physics force is being applied to it. Problem is that when the animation runs, the movement speed from the physics force is a lot weaker (it kind of starts jittering, even when the collision boxes are the same for every frame). If I remove the animation, physics make the object move a lot faster again.

    I have read from previous posts, that a solution would be to make a separate non-physics object with an animation and pin it to a physics object without an animation. This doesn't solve my problem because I need the collision box to change according to the animation frames. This means I still need physics on the object that has animation frames.

    This problem has stopped me from progressing for months now and I just can't move on without fixing it :(

    Solutions and ideas welcome. Thanks for reading.


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  • Hi, my physics forces slow down when the object has an animation. I was able to create separate sprites for the animation and physics forces (as suggested in a previous forum topic) but I would like to have multiple collision boxes of the animation sprite in effect. Right now, only the single invisible physics collision box is colliding with walls and things.

    Could anyone suggest a solution please? I'm so tired of trying to solve this on my own.

    Thanks for reading :)

  • Update:

    Long time has passed since I last posted on this forum but I finally found some time to play around, designing the game and making it a little more playable!

    I decided to get rid of the arrow controls and use mouse controls instead. Now it is such that your mouse click accelerates the Player towards the angle between the cursor and center on the orange controller circle.

    I also made the game a lot faster so there would be less floating around and now it's more about reacting even faster to the upcoming curves.

    Finally, I played around a little with designing the player and the chaser. I am fairly happy with the player model, although I could add different animation frames for collisions, getting almost swallowed by the Blob and so on.

    The chaser is still very raw and I could completely change the design. As for now it's a big blob with some wavy effects on it.

    I hope you enjoy the game and let me know what you like and don't like about the game! :)

  • Thanks, I have it set so that the faster you move, the further away it zooms and it scrolls towards the movement direction.

    Smaller enemies are actually a pretty good idea, since there is the pathfinding behavior now. I think I started creating this before it was released and that's why I didn't even consider going trough the trouble of making more than one enemy to chase me trough the thing.

    I tried different player movement types like car and 8 direction, but these didn't feel as unique and challenging as the asteroids one in my opinion.

    Thanks for the tips and feedback! I'll start learning the pathfinding behavior, find a way to create more than one chaser and try our different firing mechanisms. Hopefully I'll manage to put up an update sometime early next week. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hi,

    I'm new to this. I'm working on my first game - escaping from a bad guy trough a random generated tunnel. The monsters' speed depends on the difficulty, tunnel width and it slows down depending on how sharp the curves are. Haven't put a lot of work in the appearance yet but just wanted to put this out here to maybe get a few opinions on whether it could be a game people would be interested in. Also suggestions for cool improvements, features, designs and so on are very welcome. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Game link: scirra.com/arcade/addicting-action-games/3415/tunnel-escape-beta

    If you have the time, please do give an honest opinion on the gameplay.

  • Hi, I am a very new user of this forum and Construct 2. I have been developing my first game for quite a few days and am loving the gameplay. After getting the main mechanics of the game pretty much set, I now intend to make the game visually appealing and I need help thinking of catchy, fairly original character designs for the 2 characters of the game.

    Game: scirra.com/arcade/addicting-action-games/3415/tunnel-escape-beta

    The issue is that in my game I have a "Asteroids" rocket type of movement but I feel that a simple rocket would be a little dry and overused. I would still like the character to have the same kind of movement characteristics (moving sideways without the extra loss of speed, rotating without change of movement direction).

    The second character is pretty much a huge bad guy chasing the main character in a tunnel. At the moment it's just a big ball with an angry face and a mouth, which could also use some improvement.

    I would appreciate and love to hear any of your ideas about what the characters could be and look like.

  • 9 posts