Hey guys,
I'm sure this has been answered a dozen times - apologies, as I can't find an answer that is helping me currently - I'm looking to simply have a single frame landing animation upon my character landing.
The animation is technically one frame - all other animations work fine (idle, jump, fall, run), but land just isn't.
All of my animations are triggered by the Platform conditions - I would appreciate any input. Thank you guys!!
Here is an example of my player movement:
--------+ Keyboard: On D pressed
---------> PLAYER: Set Platform maximum speed to 2000
---------> PLAYER: Set Platform acceleration to 2000
---------> System: Wait 0.2 seconds
---------> PLAYER: Set Platform maximum speed to 150
---------> PLAYER: Set Platform acceleration to 430
----+ PLAYER: Platform is on floor
----+ PLAYER: Platform is moving
-----> PLAYER: Set animation to "PLAYER_RUN" (play from beginning)
----+ Keyboard: On ← pressed
-----> PLAYER: Set Mirrored
-----> System: Create object dust on layer 3 at (player.X, player.Y)
----+ Keyboard: On → pressed
-----> PLAYER: Set Not mirrored
-----> System: Create object dust on layer 3 at (player.X, player.Y)
----+ PLAYER: Platform speed = 0
-----> PLAYER: Set animation to "PLAYER_IDLE" (play from beginning)
----+ PLAYER: Platform is jumping
-----> PLAYER: Set animation to "PLAYER_JUMP" (play from beginning)
----+ PLAYER: Platform is falling
-----> PLAYER: Set animation to "PLAYER_FALL" (play from beginning)
----+ Keyboard: On ↓ pressed
-----> PLAYER: Fall Platform down through jump-thru
----+ PLAYER: Platform On landed
-----> System: Create object dust on layer 3 at (player.X, player.Y)
----+ Keyboard: On D released
-----> System: Set group "DASH" Deactivated
-----> System: Wait 1.5 seconds
-----> System: Set group "DASH" Activated