LeadDiet's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • I only got into the smartphone game 2 years ago with an iPhone. I liked it a lot, but I have recently moved over to Android.

    I'm not as impressed by the variety of apps for Android as I was with iOS but I really like being able to customize my phone without having to "jailbreak" it. Although, this didn't stop me from rooting my current phone and loading a ROM on it :>

    I have a blackberry for work that I use as little as possible.

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  • Do you have a small project file to post so we can see it in action? There are any number of reasons that a wall would do that.

    I know I had a problem with sticking on my platform game until I completely flattened the ground (IE made sure each ground part was exactly the same Y coordinate and all my walls were EXACTLY the same X coordinate) but something tells me that my idea may be a nonissue for you, particularly if the wall is one sprite.

  • Going off the patrol method provided for me, I was also able to make moving platforms.

    Unfortunately, the platforms that move up and down seem to do strange things to my character when he's on them. Currently the platforms that go up and down go like this:

    -Patrol = 1 (my variable to tell what part of the journey they are in)

    -MovingPlat.Y < Origin + Distance (I use a local variable for the distance and the origin. Origin is set at the start of the layout and the distance is set by me depending on what part of the layout it is in.)

    -- Set MovingPlat.Y + 5 pixels

    -Patrol = 1

    -MovingPlat.Y >= Origin + Distance

    --Set Patrol = 0

    -Patrol = 0

    -Moving Platform.Y > Origin

    --Set Y MovingPlat.Y -5 pixels

    -Patrol = 0

    -MovingPlat.Y = Origin

    --Set Patrol = 1

    On the downward, my character bounces (I don't mind this so much. I realize it's just the sprite catching up to the solid moving platform). However, on the upward, my character slides fairly quickly to the left and unless you keep running right, the platform flings you from it. Is there a way to make platforms sticky?

    It is also worth mentioning that I use an invisible marker for my camera. Instead of having my players guess what is coming up next, I have a marker that the camera scrolls to constantly that slowly breaks ahead of the character as he's running up to a certain point and then matches his speed. The Y is always set to the character, and the keyboard controls the movement of the character and the invisible marker is controlled based on what the character is doing. The marker is not solid, its only behavior is the scroll to and it's only mention in my event sheets is in its place in relation to the character sprite.

    It might have nothing to do with it, but I'm finding the less I assume, the better others can help me <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    EDIT: Also, if some one has a more refined method for having the window shift in relation to which way the player is moving, please do share :)

  • Worked like a charm. I could not wrap my head around what I needed to do.

    Thanks for the help!

  • What would be some basic logic to make a sprite patrol back and forth?

    I keep making conflicting conditions that just make the sprite freeze :(

  • Maybe an event that says,

    IF player.Y is > Monster.Y

    AND IF player is overlapping monster

    -Destroy monster

    IF player.Y <= Monster.Y

    AND IF player is overlapping monster

    -Destroy player

    etc etc etc Refine as needed :) Of course, if you don't have the monster or the player bump back on a bad contact, you will murder the player instantly regardless of health.

    Also, my above sample doesn't take the angle of approach, so as long as the player is above and touching the monster, the monster is doomed.

  • The jump effect by default is set to the Shift key. In the left hand side of the screen, there is a drop down under all the Platform properties that lets you turn off default controls and from there you can stipulate your own controls in an event sheet.

    Use the "Simulate control" action under any object given the platform behavior.

    My preference has always been spacebar :)

  • 7 posts