Larzzon's Forum Posts

  • So yea, seems like i get nothing but problems when using construct, but it just makes you guys look alot better as everytime something ***** up your here to fix it.

    So this time i cant run my layout, Even if i export it to an EXE it still wont run.

    It works with other cap files but this one. Anyone heard of this before, can post cap if its needed.

  • Haha, sorry for my bump, but i got nothing better to do so im just trying to get as far as possible today.

    Okay, Physics behaivior ill try then

  • Bump

  • Well, with thoose settings i dont really get the wanted effect. I want it to roll more than bounce. Any ideas?

  • So, im trying to use the Ball behavior in my game. and i got a little room at the far end of my map where it should fall balls from the roof. But when i added the ball behavior on the ball the object just went crazy. Here my cap file, would be great if someone would take a look and help me


  • Thanks, it works

  • the latest one. Im Using Windows 7.

    Not the latest one, they released one 9/5, i havnt downloaded that one.

  • So ive build a 2d game and now when i last opened it, it seems to be invisable walls everywhere, only problem is that i havnt put any invisable walls anywhere. Anyone knows what i should do?

  • So heres my problem.

    When i go to the folder where my cap file is and click it to start construct this is what happens:

    Construct starts and my cap file starts loading, but just in a flinch, then it just goes over to not doing in anything, just like you only started construct.

    Anyone had this problem aswell?

  • Is there anyone that can help me with this issue tonight, i need help as quick as possible.

  • Okay, so im making a breakout game, but i encountered a problem during my time adding sounds effects. When my ball hits the bricks i want to play a break sound.

    So far i've done:

    Event: Start of layout - XAudio2: Load file AppPath & "Break.wav" to channel 1 (No loop)

    Event: On collision between Ball and Brick1 - XAudio2: Play Channel 1

    The problem is that the sound only plays when i hit the first brick, how do i make it play the sound every time i destroy a brick?

  • Okay thank you, will repost it over there

  • Okay, so im gonna start working ona new Breakout game, and i need ideas and help from you guys!

    This is what i need you guys for, i request with:

    * Creating an exciting and graphically appealing theme and interface

    * Finding backround music that fits the theme.

    * Ideas about power-ups that you recieve from certain bricks destroyed.

    Also if someone is good on creating graphic i would love some help with that!


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