landman's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Loving the attention to detail! Is there a demo available? Is this going to be just as challenging as the old MegaMan titles?

  • glennmel, excellent work! The graphics are nice and crisp. Congrats on what you've achieved so far!

    The dog reminds me of Courage the Cowardly Dog. Actually not just the dog the game gives off a gloomy vibe just like the program Courage the Cowardly Dog.

  • More inspiration! Loving this. I'll give your game a play through this evening after work.

    Can I pick you brains about a few things regarding the creation of your artwork:

      * What are you using to make animations? * When creating pixel styled artwork, what size is the smallest "pixel/block" size used? * Are the particle effects actual particles or pre-animated effect?

    Can't wait to see more!

  • [quote:1njezzlm]I've got to be honest, I think that I've only got a few more puzzles in me before I lose the will to live (maybe one more level after this one). Betta make 'em whoppas, then!! So then I can concentrate on making the rest of the game look and sound good. And then I can take a rest. Fair play to those who do this for years at a time - I've been working on Umbra for over 6 months and I am starting to need to do something else. But I know that if I put this down it'll gather dust and languish forever in the 'nearly finished' pile....

    Oooh that "nearly finished" pile is quite a sad thing.

    I must say, I'm quite intrigued by your game. It looks brilliant and it's nice to see that physics are utilized thoroughly. The similarities between Umbra and Limbo are quite apparent, I can see why the two games are quite comparable. But then again, there are dozens of platformer puzzle games that have followed a similar art direction.

    Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to give an honest critique

  • Your game is looking fantastic! It's really inspirational to see such quality work on the forums.

  • All is sorted. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Interesting. Maybe I am mistaken then. My old paypal receipt states that I have a Personal License:

    Personal License - Scirra Store - $119.00 USD.

  • Hey all, it's been over a year since logging into After 2 years I've decided to get back into game development and this beautiful piece of software, Construct 2, is still my first choice for game development.

    I purchased a personal license in August 2013. Initially, the licensing had to be renewed once a year and now I see that Construct 2 Personal License is a once off payment.

    Surely that means I still have a valid Personal License of Construct 2 then? If someone could assist I'd be really grateful.



  • Advance wars was great so I'll be keeping an eye on this! :)

  • Looking amazing! Even if the teaser was only a couple of seconds ;) I'm going to give Spriter a try. The animations look extremely fluid.

  • Excellent stuff Zozimodg! Reminds me of the old Double Dragons on NES. Hahaha! Love the fact that you can grab the enemy and throw him!

  • The artstyle remind's me of Golden Axe! <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> You've really done a quality job with capturing that old school atmosphere!

    Landman <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • C-7, This is seriously an amazing concept. I'm really glad you've put in a thorough amount of thought into how to structure the entire project.

    The artwork looks brilliant too. Giving inspiration to people like myself.


  • Hi everyone! My name's Chris.

    I am digital artist and aspiring game designer. My first gaming device was the Spectrum (A pc that ran on a cassete) then I moved on to NES, Sega Master System and Mega Drive then I got my first PC, a 286 with an orange monitor. I've loved gaming all my life and believe it's the best way to be able to bring your imaginary creations to life!

    I came across Construct 2 quite a few months back but I've been testing the waters with different software. Eventually construct 2 was the way to go. WHAT AN AMAZING PIECE OF SOFTWARE!

    By day I'm a digital media designer and by night I'm a hobbyist game maker.

    My current project is an FPS Mech game called Robolegs, there will be multiplayer and singleplayer. Check the video below for the multiplayer demo:


    I have a few ideas in mind for some awesome Android and iOS apps so you will all be seeing me soon! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Landman <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 14 posts