ladjuric's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • youtube video is the same thing as opening anything from internet which seems to be what you are asking

    good luck

    Well that way he will not have ability to control animation ot to trigger event on certain frame, play animation backward (pingpong) etc

    for animation loading use Animation loader created by God of construct plugins REX

  • Hi

    first of all thank You for Your great effort

    animation speed based on mouse speed movement

    when i slide (swipe) horizontally left and right if i slide slow player will run slow, middle mouse speed little faster animation and 3rd lever of high speed running animation

    and to be able to change direction if it is rope climbing to be able to use vertical swipe

    and it should be touch based because of mobile or tablet


  • yes last one did the Job

    thanks a bunch

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  • On mobiles if it is slower mobile phone it happens that sound plays twice while on same frame when sound length is short end then we get something like echo. how o play sound once for that frame, because not looping do job for not looping but not for instantiate new sound?

    So this is not behavior that is always happening just when scene is overcrowded and mobile phone gets slower, on pc and on really fast mobile phone it never happens

    setting trigger once mutes complete audio

    if on frame 0 it sometimes goes ads should but here are frames in middle of animation

    Any ideas

  • Is this game actualy made for C2

    I can't find anything about this.

    How to find buz game and source ?

  • I'll think of something else. If you find the answer you are looking for, please reply!

    Huuh I don't get it

    I solved my request it is in capx i posted.

  • Well I achieved already without add on.

    My solution is good for newbies, just like I am

    litetween is really good but for far more complex things, it made some errors on my system so I gave up for now until I finish project and update construct, since when I update it crashes on opening that project


  • Yes but it would take more resource I think, but if you have solution with less consuming of resources feel free to post for other to find out . Ma also <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    I have seen some posts with broken attachments so I will put dropbox also ... mouse.capx

    Event list is commented

    As I said if someone have solution with less consuming of resources feel free to reply


  • On this example it is done by slider

    What I need is just to move mouse left and right to have animation and after a some number of repeating left and right to have condition to go to next level

    here is example with slider

  • how that can be done not by slider but with mouse to be dragged left and right ?

  • bullet time maxpayne alike

    on certain events i need bullet time effect

    here is example

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    on every tick or...

  • is there some logic to implement video in background or as a part of scene in layout



    to be activated by some event

  • 12 posts