kytuzina's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
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  • Ashley

    Is it possible to configure the "navigation_menu_version" parameter from fbapp-config.json directly in Construct 3?

    In some games I need NAV_BAR, and in others NAV_FLOATING.

    Of course, it's not difficult for me to rewrite in a file, but not everyone knows it.

  • 2) Text input: a) Scroll to bottom does not work correctly; b) Read-only property(and action) does not work

  • 1) I tried using video on c2 runtime and c3 runtime. The difference is colossal 10% CPU usage and 90%.

    Construct 3 r119 beta

  • Then I do not understand what this function is for. It would make sense if the function sent LAST

  • You can only send one update per session

    And how I can update score if player makes a few games in one session?

  • I again have a question about instant games. When I use the "share leaderbord update" function, it works once per session. Even if the score is already much larger, the update is not sent to the context chat. If I quit the game and come back again, the score is updated. Is it a bug or a feature?

    And how do I make a frequent update?


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  • Use switchGameAsync( ) if you want one IG link to another

    Trough Browser>Execute JS?

  • Hello everyone, I'm trying to make a promo for my other game on Facebook instant games, but the link does not open in a new window. The play button also does not work. In the example done exactly the same. There are other options?


  • Hello everyone, I'm trying to finish my game for Fasebook, but got a problem.

    I do not understand how to implement this function:

    Please help

  • Not working if I load XML with AJAX! Help!

  • 10 posts