Kylesoul's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • Hello delgado !

    I have the same problem but my persist objects are only 2D. Think it's not the fact that your object is 3D but the container system that make the runtime crashing.

    Can you test your project in older release ? I don't have this issue in Beta R318 for example. Only with R327. I've read the bug fix notes of the Beta R326 and it says :

    "Hierarchies: runtime crash loading the state of instances in a hierarchy which are also using the persist behaviour"

    I think there is a same issue but with the container.

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  • The message may contain some invisible characters, for example a space or line break at the end. Try using trim(message)="!go"


    You're a genius ! That finally works !

    You just make me learn a new Construct expression ("trim") that I've never heard about.

    That will be very useful for someone else who's facing the same problem.

    Thank you a lot ! :D

  • Hello everyone !

    I'm making a Twitch integration game. So the chat by typing a command (like for exemple "!go") can create an object in my game.

    So I created the Twitch integration with the WebSocket plugin and it works very well.

    If I want the chat to create a 2D snake for exemple, I need to make a variable for reading ONLY the chat's message.

    So I did this : (CHAT_DECIPHER takes the message that the WebSocket received)

    But the problem is strange : the "message" variable actually took the chat message, but the snake is not created...

    So I tested to write myself "!go" in the debug mode and that worked.

    I really need your help to make me know what's going with this because I'm stuck. :'(

    Thank you for your futur responds ! :)

  • 3 posts