Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Are you sure that the instance variable "Damage" of your "Player" object contains a proper number to display ?

    To make sure, post your capx, it will be easier to investigate what is going on.

    A basic demo of what you are asking is as follow : EXAMPLE

  • Or just go for the software that actually works best for you, trying out both free editions, making your opinion for yourself.

  • Here is some compilation of Frequently Asked Questions and tips for Construct 3.

    The list is not complete, Construct 3 is still recent and in development.

    Be sure to use the search features of the forums.

    You can help if you encounter a bug in C3 by posting bug reports on Github - LINK

    Beware though, an issue in your code is not necessary a bug in Construct 3. You can make use of this forum to ask if the issue sounds like a program issue or a Construct 3 possible bug.

    For a lot of specific use of addons, you can refer to the list for Construct 2 as most answers are going to be the same.

    Nevertheless, Construct 3 has its specificities, and here are some listed in here:

    • Execution / General interface
      • How is Construct 3 different from Construct 2 ? - LINK
      • A major new feature between Construct 2 and Construct 3: C3 runtime - LINK
      • How to execute Construct 3 offline ? - LINK
      • How to execute a specific release of Construct 3 ? - LINK
      • WebGL does not execute / My graphic card is blacklisted - LINK
      • Open Construct 3 in App mode - LINK
      • How to print the event sheet with colors ? - LINK
      • How to get a dark/custom theme working with Construct 3 ? - LINK
      • How to load from Cloud when it is not working right away ? - LINK
      • How to use Construct 2 addons in Construct 3 ? - LINK
      • Open a project made in a recent release in an older release - LINK
      • Force WebGL1 (temporary bug fix) - LINK
      • Using the Z-Order bar - LINK
      • How do I load an earlier version of the Desktop Build ? - LINK
    • How to do mechanic stuff
      • How to access the array/dictionary/text editor in Construct 3 ? - LINK
      • How do I open multiple preview windows ? - LINK
      • How to use C2 addons in Construct 3 ? - LINK
      • How to set colors in Construct 3 ? rgb() - LINK
      • How to make Viewport work with unbounded scrolling ? - LINK
      • How to save data on multiple PCs (one method) ? - LINK
      • Debug your APK - LINK
      • How to manage Z-order during runtime - LINK
      • Use the mobile advert plugin - LINK
      • Destroy a bullet outside of the screen when the layout is huge ? - LINK
      • How to implement dodge (w/ platform behaviour) - LINK
      • Make sure the Mobile Advert plugin is GDPR compliant - LINK
      • Find the center of a group of user spawned instances of the same object type - LINK
      • Using the Drawing canvas to make a split-screen rendering - LINK
      • Use LaTex with Construct 3 - LINK
      • Publish to Google Play despite the warning to use App Bundle - LINK
      • Add subtitles to a video object - LINK
      • Make a coloring book - LINK
      • Make a gallery reacting to swipe gesture - LINK
      • How to randomize without duplicates (Advanced Random permutation table feature) - LINK
      • How to make random weighted drops (loot, monsters, ...) using the Advanced Random plugin - LINK
      • Use the Mobile Advert plugin to display ads towards children on Android (prevents rejection from Google Play Store) - LINK
      • Make a radial thumb control for mobile - LINK
      • How to make a JSON dialog system - LINK
      • How do I make some speedrun timer - LINK
    • Plans related
      • How to get my discount for Construct 3 ? - LINK
      • How do I prevent auto-renewal of my subscription / Manage my subscription ? - LINK
      • How can I pay using Paypal without a credit card ? - LINK

    You may participate to this list.

    Simply post a question and a link to the topic that answers the question the most clearly (it may be a topic or a specific post in the topic).

    This is not the place to post questions you want answers to.

  • This is something I believe you can configure in this page when logged in to the account that has the subscription :

  • It seems they are indeed.

  • Like in Construct 2, a collision polygon is what determines the surface of collision, not the texture itself.

  • Consider posting a proper bug report for it to be investigated by the devs :

  • teacherjoe: If you are trying to pay through Purchase Order than the minimum order is for three years. Otherwise, subscription is indeed yearly or monthly.

    FlorianF: It looks like you are thinking you can only order Take Home licenses which is untrue. In order to be able to order Take Home licenses you need first and foremost a On Site license on top of which you can order Take-Home Licenses. View the education FAQ.

    sletts: Are you sure you are writing in the correct topic ?

    Those prices for C2 education have been set back in 2015, it's not a "sudden change" and a yearly subscription for a site-wide license is still the same price.

    It sounds like you are talking about C3 pricing possibly. Although C3 system is far different from C2 so it may be confusing.

    C3 is based on concurent seats you can assign/unassign.

    You can read more on how it actually works in this page and this other one.

    TRMG: Uneducated and irrelevant answer.

  • Fasold: The limit is 50 Mb and there is no plans that I'm aware of to modify this limit (it actually already was pushed up compared to the previous arcade which only allowed 10 Mb).

    Make sure your image compression is correctly set.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Send an email to the support.

  • saravanakumar: He is a Moderator doing his duty.

    Congratulations, you earned your ban, bro.

  • McKack: Modified, thanks.

  • Global Variable Timer number Default value 0

    Global Variable SpeedInc number Default value 1

    System > Every 1 Sec

    .. Create object > enemy1

    .. Set bullet speed to SpeedInc * 100

    System > Timer = 20

    .. Add 1 to SpeedInc

    .. Set enemy1.bulletspeed to SpeedInc * 100

    System > Timer = 30

    .. Add 2 to SpeedInc

    .. Set enemy1.bulletspeed to SpeedInc * 100

    For the Timer, you can also use the Timer behavior (set on Regular type) that could add SpeedInc value to itself every 10 secs

    On timer "SpeedInc"

    .. Add SpeedInc to SpeedInc

    .. Set enemy1.bulletspeed to SpeedInc * 100

    As long as you use the same action when you spawn a new instance and when you raise the speed, all instances will have the speed applied to it, and so no need again for the instance variable, since all instances must end with the same speed.

  • TommyR: SpeedInc is the value that handles the augmentation of the speed.

    Having it as a global variable, you are sure that it raises on a regular basis. You also make sure that each new instance, when it's created, is applied the current speed (SpeedInc * 100).

    I don't see the need for an instance variable here that would be different for each instance. Unless that's what you want to do, but as far as I understood your issue in the first post it wasn't about that. You wanted newly created instances to have a speed in relation to a value that evolves over time.

    The bullet speed you talked about originally is about the speed at which bullets fired by enemy instances will travel ?

    I assessed it was actually the moving speed of enemies instances, using the bullet behavior.

    Perhaps you should explain clearly what is it you are looking to do exactly. We already know what you did, what you experience it does, we're missing the information of what you intended it to do actually do precisely.