Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • There are currently big bugs with the arcade.

    A new one is being developed and should help provide the requested features.

    At this time, embedding games from the arcade seems to be an issue.

    Consider hosting your project on your own hosting service and link the iframe in your website to the index.html file of where you have hosted your game.

  • Because of "Trigger once while true".

    This condition makes it so that it is trigger only once, for the very first instance.

    Following instances are not triggered.

    To have it in events, consider doing as so :

    Add a boolean family instance variable to the Pickups family ("IsFlashing", false by default)

    + Pickups: [X] Is IsFlashing (inverted => Is not IsFlashing)

    + Pickups: MyTimer > 1.5

    -> Pickups: Flash: Flash 0.1 on 0.1 off for 10 seconds

    -> Pickups: Set IsFlashing to True

  • That's the nature of cache indeed.

    I had a similar issue where I was noticed each time I launched C3 that a beta was available and it was loading.

    On the other hand, from the moment a new stable was available, it did update and "overwrote" it.

    Here is the bug report from it :

    As Ashley already mentioned this is not really something they can act upon though.

    Perhaps you should check your Chrome browser settings to see if you haven't set something in your configuration that won't allow to overwrite your cache.

    Possibly you can opt-in "Beta releases" in Construct's settings as well to see if it changes something.

  • In March 2018

    Blog posts

    • Scirra
      • Announcing the Construct 3 runtime - An article in which Ashley presents a comparison of the performances that the new Construct 3 runtime will propose in comparison with Construct 2.
      • Making of SNEK - Online Multiplayer Game - An article in which guest JhomasJhomas presents his cooperative multiplayer game SNEK he worked on with Construct, and how he dealt with the Multiplayer Plugin of Construct and designed around some of the difficulties of networks.
      • Are you ready to jam? - An article in which Tom presents a month long (if you learn about it through this sum up you still have time to join) game jam in partnership with Newgrounds.
      • Congratulations to the winners - An article in which Tom dresses the list of the winners of the Gamee contest and hints at future contests like those that will be organised.
      • New text features in the Construct 3 runtime - An article of the serie about the C3 runtime in which Ashley depicts one of the new features that will be present : Text formatting through BB Code. I am very excited by this one.
      • Facebook Instant Games with Construct 3 - An article in which Ashley announces, from r91, the inclusion in Construct 3 of a dedicated plugin for the Facebook Instant Games gaming platform to allow you to make HTML5 games that work within Facebook interface.
      • Behavior improvements in the Construct 3 runtime - An article of the serie about the C3 runtime in which Ashley announces the rework of the Physics and Pathfinding behavior, the extra performance they get, the multi-threading distribution system that was put in place and that third-part addons will be able to use as well.
      • The architecture of the Construct 3 runtime - An article of the serie about the C3 runtime in which Ashley presents the deep modifications and working of the new incoming runtime in regards to how Construct 3's architecture is.
    • Ashley
      • Blame in technology and the aardvark case - An article in which Ashley details his experience dealing with bug reports and having to deal with the behavior of community members discussing technological issues. A long and insightful article which deserves a calm and dedicated read.

    C3 New releases

    • r88.3 (beta) - A few more bug fixes before stable release.
    • r89 STABLE - Stable release.
    • r90 (beta) - Lots of fixes and changes, and new in-progress Ukrainian translation.
    • r90.2 (beta) - Hotfix for r90.
    • r91 (beta) - Facebook Instant Games support & lots of bug fixes.
    • r92 (beta) - Ads for Instant Games and some bug fixes.
    • r93 (beta) - Some fixes and new in-progress Romanian translation.
    • r93.2 (beta) - Two more bug fixes.
    • r94 STABLE - Stable release, with Facebook Instant Games support.
    • r94.2 STABLE - Hotfix for r94.
    • Find all the releases and changelogs on the new website

    If you think you have found a bug in Construct 3 you can report your bugs on github following the instructions and templates provided there.

    You can also provide suggestions on the features suggestion platform at

    You can discuss Construct 3 in this forum.

    Remember, as announced, ultimately forums and other community related discussion channels will be moved to the new

    Construct 3 has an English online manual ! Be sure to read it :

    You can also check out Construct 3 tutorials and releases.

    If you talk a different language, you may also take part into translating Construct 3 and possibly getting a free subscription for it.

    Read more on this in this forum.


    Addon Exchange service, holding Construct 2 and Construct 3 addons is now available.

    Authors, be sure to upload and maintain your addons there.

    Users be sure to check this one out from now on, this is meant to become the official place where to find addons for Construct.

    C2 New releases

    The features listed here are only the "highlighted" features for each release. Check each release page to see the complete changelog and comments for each version)

    Be sure to keep updated to the

    most recent release of Construct 2

    If you think you have found a bug in Construct 2 you can report it in this forum BUT

    • Make sure it is not already a reported bug by searching through the "Bugs" forum
    • Make sure it is not a bug in your events, a difference between what you have coded and what you would expect
    • Make sure you're using the very latest version of Construct 2 (beta possibly, stable if this is the very latest release available)
    • Attach a .capx of the issue in the simplest manner possible (no 100+ events capx, no 10 mb capx)
    • Make sure to read Bug report requirements before posting and provide all the required informations (your configuration, the steps to use to reproduce the bug, any relevant information you can provide)

    It is really important since about 50% of reports aren't bugs which takes time out of working on Construct2 directly.

    Be responsible, help everybody by making sure it's not your events in cause first.


    • v0.29.0 (Chromium 65) [Requires r217+]
    • Get the latest and current version and make sure you are using the appropriate Construct 2 release :


    Addon Exchange service, holding Construct 2 and Construct 3 addons is now available.

    Authors, be sure to upload and maintain your addons there.

    Users be sure to check this one out from now on, this is meant to become the official place where to find addons for Construct.

    Third part addons

    On the Addons Exchange - C2 - C3

    WebGL effects

    On the Addons Exchange - C2 - C3

    • User Saiyadjin did a big job putting in place in July 2017 this google doc which attempts to add descriptions to add ons and effects and determine if they are up to date or not. You can check the document or check for yourself directly in the forums' topics.


    Former retrospect

    As an added bonus, here is a list of the former "What you may have missed" posts for the year.

  • The keyboard plugin has a "StringFromKeyCode" expression that returns a single character.

    This doesn't change my answer and its logic.

    If you send a single string character then the content of Multiplayer.message is a single string character and so you don't even need a float() expression to convert it when assigning it.

  • Perhaps the character you are attempting to send is not a valid character, or is putting a end to the string sent.

    Without any of the code of your project or your server script, it is only guessing and crystal ball predictions.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • There is a full version available for education institutes :

    It is a monthly or annual subscription that allows an education institute to install as many license as they want on site (on the computers of their local network).

    Get in touch with your institute and see if they would be interested in such a subscription. They could also order Take-home license alongside their On Site license in order to provide you with an full license.

    Otherwise, an individual single license exists.

  • SERGIOManOwaR In this case, and due to how events work, have your main event be a OR block, and then have a sub-event checking C.

    In this sub-event, have your actions.

    The first event will be checked and if either the first or second condition is true, it will then check for the sub-event. If the condition of the sub-event is true, it will then execute the actions which logically is pretty much : "If A or B is true AND C is true then do stuff".

    If any of the conditions are false, then the actions won't be executed.

  • I've regularly used project files and AJAX calls far exceeding the limits you are talking about and it never was an issue.

    I must guess the script sending back the data to your AJAX call is causing the issue here.

    Check what DOES come out of your server and not just a txt file of what is supposed to come out and you may see where the cut happens.

  • Browser.ExecJS does execute JavaScript.

    If your global variable is within Construct Events system, you need to use Construct's action (ie: Set global variable value to Multiplayer.message).

    It makes little sense using actual JavaScript in this instance.

    You can get an actual keycode or string from a keycode using the Keyboard plugin.

    When you send a string message, providing it a numerical value will turn it automatically in a string, so no issue on sending.

    On the receiving end, assigning a numerical value from a string can require to use the "float(Multiplayer.message)" system expression in order to "convert" it into a numerical value that could be used to assign it to a numeric global variable for example.

    So send a simpler message (loopindex is enough in this case as apparently you are doing some kind of loop).

    And when you want to assign it on reception, use the actual condition "On peer message" and in this one, assign the global variable "moltiplayertext" to float(Multiplayer.message).

    Get rid of all the useless JavaScript/Browser.ExecJS that makes things more complex than they need to be.

  • Construct 2 has a free edition and education institutes are allowed to use it.

  • This is a known bug going on.

    A new arcade is in the works for

    For the time being, upload as a new game.

  • suggestion:

    maybe is time to change the system that the forum has? i know is a lot of posts and years of contribution to the community but bbforum/phpbb suit kit has a lot of security problems, which i believe C2/C3 forum is using since Construct Classic (similar with wordpress), maybe is time to host it on its own system? and transfer the database to a system that is compatible with bbforum datasql so no data/forum entries will be lost?.

    It is a good suggestion that has already been announced as being in the works.

  • I'm afraid the best person to provide those graphic assets are indeed Jeremy Foster. The course dates from 2014, but hopefully he should still be able to provide support for it.

    Isn't there a final capx provided for/with the course ?

    If so, you could always browse it and "Save as" each frames of the sprites within the project and so have the required assets to use.

    If you wait a bit, possibly Jeremy will get back to you and be able to help you. It is currently the easter period where some people are taking/having some time off.

    You can possibly also try to reach out to him on twitter : if that is a service accessible to you.

  • Don't make unsigned release build.

    Either have it signed ( or make a debug APK.

    Even for simple application, there is minimal permission you will have to go through.

    Perhaps Nepeo can provide a bit more insight there.