Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • What I can think of is that the platform is short (only under the layout). If you take sonic past the boundaries of the screen, it will fall in the void because there's no more platform there.

    Also, auto-mirror doesn't work for me. Sonic still face right, even when I'm pressing the left key.

    And the simulate jump don't work in rows. I mean, I'll press the key up once and I have to press "shift" before the "up" key acts again.

    Pressing shift works continuously.

    (the test is done after having "reworked" the events:

    Start of layout
    + Mask set to invisible
    Keyb Up arrow is pressed
    + Sonic simulate jump


    I don't know if that is the intended behavior for the simulate action.

    C2 r54; Windows XP SP3; FireFox 6.0.1; ATI Radeon HD 4870

  • For me it works now.

    I still got the background flickering when moving the preview window around (idc), but the important part is that the preview displays correctly in the window.

    Good fix.

  • Nice. Thank you.

  • The project was something I had been working on in the previous days.

    I had a two days old capx file, opened it, made a new capx save.

    Worked a bit on the capx and decided to switch to a folder project.

    I can't reproduce it even now with the "originals" capx. It seems to happen after having executed C2 a while, or maybe some other trigger I can't seem to find now.

  • C2 r53; Windows XP SP3; FireFox 6.0.1; ATI Radeon HD 4870

    I saved a project from a single file to a folder project.

    I tried to preview my project and got this check failure:

    Construct 2 Check failure
    Check failure!  This is probably a bug:
    Cannot find file on disk to return over HTTP
    Condition: FileExists(disk_path)
    File: HttpFileServer.cpp
    Line: 278
    Function: void __thiscall HttpFileServer::ServerRespond(struct _HTTP_REQUEST_V2 *)
    Build: release 53 (32-bit) checked
    Component: HTML5 exporter
    (Last Win32 error: 2)
    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way.  Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports!  Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.
    Abandonner   Recommencer   Ignorer   

    Looks like the local file server blew off with inexisting file, I'm kinda getting used to it.

    Anyway, I exit C2, launch it again, try to open my folder project and now I get an error how my project is missing the object texture for the tiled background object.

    A little workaround later, I copy my file (named "BGforest.png") in the textures folder and I am then able to open the project folder.

    Like for audio files during r50, it seems that background textures don't get copied correctly from a save to another. (or at least from a single file to a folder project)

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  • Oh and look who's here, little Jesper!

    Credits to my amazing gf. This is our first son so far!

    Say hi!

    Not sure if you're just talking about your avatar or if you're a newly father.

    Anyway GG I guess <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • C2 r53; Windows XP SP3; FireFox 6.0.1; ATI Radeon HD 4870

    I was working on a project in construct2. (the demo for my pathfinder behavior)

    Saved it as a project folder, saved two versions in new folders.

    Adds some stuff about testing text objects' opacity.

    On preview I get a jQuery type of window message:

    Assertion failure: No project JSON model available
    Stack trace: 
    assert2((void 0),"No project JSON model available")@http://localhost:50000/preview_prelude.js:12
    ([object HTMLCanvasElement])@http://localhost:50000/preview.js:87
    ((function (a, b) {return new e.fn.init(a, b, h);}))@http://localhost:50000/preview.html:87
    ([object HTMLDocument],[object Array])@http://localhost:50000/jquery-1.6.2.min.js:16
    ([object Event])@http://localhost:50000/jquery-1.6.2.min.js:16

    As well as an error in firebug:

    missing ] after element list ""stop"" in data.js (line 3846)

    After having clicked OK on the message firebug points to

    line 105 in preview.html

    "var pm = cr.getProjectModel();

    And gives the message:

    cr.getProjectModel is not a function 

    Indeed, cr.getProjectModel is undefined.


    I tried to make a capx out of the current folder, just to see.

    And it seems I get the same error shinkan reported.

    Loading the file raises a check failure:

    Construct 2 Check failure
    Check failure!  This is probably a bug:
    Cannot find project file for animation frame
    Condition: FileExists(GetProjectPath().c_str())
    File: Projects\AnimationFrame.cpp
    Line: 186
    Function: void __thiscall AnimationFrame::Load(const class std::basic_string<wchar_t,struct std::char_traits<wchar_t>,class std::allocator<wchar_t> > &)
    Build: release 53 (32-bit) checked
    Component: Construct 2 IDE
    (Last Win32 error: 3)
    You are using a 'checked' release of Construct 2, intended for testing, which causes certain errors to be reported this way.  Hit Ctrl+C to copy this messagebox - it's useful information for the developers, so please include it with any bug reports!  Click 'Abort' to quit (unsaved data will be lost!),'Retry' to turn off messages for this session and continue, or 'Ignore' to continue normally.
    Abandonner   Recommencer   Ignorer   

    Ignoring (several times, turning into fail to load texture error) allows to finaly open the project.

    And gets the same assertion JSON error as above.

    Get the zip containing:

    * demobug: the last version of the project saved as "project folder" and triggering the JSON assertion error.

    * democlean: the previous version of the project saved as "project folder" and executing as intended.

    * pathfinder: the behavior itself

    *demo pf.capx: the capx I saved from the demobug project.

  • Pretty cool crazy.

    Just a little typo at the beginning though : "Quests" instead of "Quets" ;)

    Else, nice anim. Maybe the general ambiance is a bit too shiny/light for a vampire ambiance, but it helps the readability.

    Good job, keep it up.

  • According to this CNN article player's average age now is 38.

    You can read the article to see about the time player spend on games as well as a discussion about this article on whatgamesare offering a divergent point of view.

    All in all, it really depends on the type of game, the platform (you won't get my 58 yo father to play on living room console. But he regulary plays a few games he really likes on PC (mahjong, flatout2, some shareware shoot 'em up giving you commands of an helicopter,...)).

    So I'd say, there's nothing set in stone, and it really depends on the type of game and the audience target.

  • You missed the 1945 port..

  • Yes.

    The preview window accords to the size of the first frame. But the content is blank.

  • Yeah, same here

    C2 r53; Windows XP SP3; FireFox 6.0.1; ATI Radeon HD 4870

    Telepathic debuging, huh ^^

  • Ah, I see, got it. Thanks, fixed for next build. It would have waited for you to "finish" the current frame (i.e. switch to another frame or close and reopen) before the preview updated - now the preview is always up to date.

    In the current version, switching through different frames doesn't help.

    Also importing frames, closing the image editor, reopening it and trying to get a preview still doesn't display the preview.

    I just wanted to point that out, in case.

  • Same as counterfeit.

    Plus if I move the window on screen, and my mouse cursor is over the layout (not the animations, animation frame or image editor window) the greyed background just goes "fuzzy" and displays moving lines of "ungreyed".

    Hard to described, and I can't seem to be able to screenshot it.

    On XP sp3 too.

    I'll move to 7 in the upcoming days.

  • Same here.

    Plus if I move the window, the grayed background (layer/layout) just blinks/have strange lighter rectangles going on.

    I never really used the preview, so I couldn't say if it worked in previous versions.

    To me it's not a big deal, I don't really use the preview function in C2. Just tried to see at some point a few days ago and noticed it wouldn't work.