Kyatric's Forum Posts

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  • Yes it is.

  • It depends on the setting of your game, but yes, this could pretty much do the trick indeed.

    (You're wondering for your canonball game, right ?)

    Put them on a "background" layer (in the background of the actual game, behind the canons and bricks) for more clarity. You can also modify their opacity property or add them some "additive" effect to make them blend in the background of the application.

  • Rectangular selection tool works for me too in windows XP, GIMP 2.6.4 (yeah I know, I'm not up to date with GIMP <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> ).

  • You may want to try int(random(1,2)) which results will be either 1 or 2.

    Without the int(), your result is probably a float.

    If this is still not what you want/doesn't work as intended, can you post a capx showing the problem ?

    Also in the first line you write ("Random(1,2)"), did you write it like that in C2 too ?

    The ("") might indicate a string, which is not the correct variable type apparently and is not necessary.

  • And what about what's in the "View problem details" of the crashing window ?

  • Are you using R60 ?

    Could you please add your specs and others infos as asked in how to report bugs

    On C2 crashing, do you get an error window of some sort ? If so, please include it in your post, this would be helpful.

    This sounds like this bug (supposedly fixed in R60), can you confirm it is the same kind of bug or are you using different steps ? If so, please provide a step/step explanation of what you are doing before getting the bug.

  • Please Methab follow the instructions in How to report a bug.

    Also paste the check failure.

    Your report, as it is, is pretty much useless and can't be treated.

  • I tried the same with GIMP, and it works too.

    I think you have to copy a single layered picture. I just opened a PNG picture in GIMP, Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V in CC's image editor, it worked.

    I opened a multi layer xcf, ctrl-c (one layer was selected), Ctrl-v in CC's image editor, it copied this single layer too.

    Beware of layers.

    It works under windows XP at least.

  • Sites can be made in C2, nevertheless this post and this post kindly warn that that's not C2's main purpose.

    Also you should be aware that a site only made as a C2 app will have low SEO rankings. This might end up as an issue and is one of the reason it is not advised to use C2 for making website.

    Find more reasons here and here.

    Nevertheless in the end you are the decision maker and your website can very well turn those disavantages as strength. It all depends on what you're looking for and your target audience.

    I admit I like the effect on amilton's site, the "opening gates" is pretty cool, but is quite a lot of download in the end for "not much".

    Also, as I don't speak portuguese (I think it's brazilian portuguese, right ?) the content of the site itself is obscur to me ^^

  • Oh nice now.

    Well, some kind of freecam that allows to see where you're actually aiming at.

    And also some victory conditions, or score or something.

    Atm, you just keep firing canon balls until you close the app <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    At last, maybe the AI should fire exploding balls too.

    Anyway you've improved the app nicely and quickly already since v0.1, good job.

  • Ennemy castle still seem to collapse on start.

    Pressing "2" to get an explosive ball "kills" the "following cam" for the turn (the cam stays on the cannon).

    Also sometimes the exploding ball needs to be touched by a regular ball to explode.

    Also once you pressed "2" for a turn, the next turn is still an explosive ball by default, but regular ball is selected in the HUD.

    AI is pretty accurate. Its cannon flickers a bit at start, but the angle of shoot is pretty good.

  • It would be cool if we could move to see the castle we are aiming before having to shoot (or am I missing something).

    Also on my first try, the castle of my ennemy was already falling apart by itself I before took a shot.

    But else, the idea is pretty good and desserves to be kept building on.

    Keep up the good work.

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  • All right, my bad, my assumption was incorrect indeed.

    Still, the fact is that during the 2 seconds of wait, actions are memorized and then duplicated.

    Strange thing is I tried to add a "Trigger once while true" condition to the "Is on-screen" condition, and then nothing at all happens. That was quite unexpected.

    Anyway, after having tried a bit a bit I came up with a solution.

    Simply place the "destroy red ball" action before the wait one.

    Then the red ball is destroyed, and two seconds later, 4 blue balls are spawned.

    But that's probably not what you want. I guess you want the ball to run it's course, then explode (spawn blue balls).

    The bug you are relating to appears to be a physics bug.

    Line 225 in Physics_behavior.js (right in the minified section) : a is null

    Apparently, this is the red_ball physics in cause, since the object was destroyed, but still trying to apply some function to it.

    Remove the physic behaviour to the object, you will just have a lot of spawns but no crash.

    For ashley : reproduction of the crashing capx

    Sprite = explode_ball; Sprite2 = blue_ball

    As stated above, placing the "destroy Sprite" action first, works. Spawning of Sprite2 occurs after 2 seconds, on the former position of the Sprite object.

    Adding a "Trigger once while true" don't seem to work.

  • Please consider reading How to report bugs and give the missing specs, steps and .capx file.

    Also on a personal level I'd like you to edit the title of this topic (this is quite rude imo). C2 is in beta state. It is common knowledge that bugs may/will happen, so no need to be all "iffy" about it.