Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Zenox is right.

    You also have a list of examples listed here in the section "Platformer behavior".

    Ashley said also he was working on some tutorial, like the beginner's guide but aimed at platformers. Check out for when it is out.

    In the meantime and for "basic" templates platformer, the examples from the C2 install folder as well as those listed in the FAQ should really help.

    Be sure to let us know the result/response of/to your course <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Thanks for the example.

    Added to the How do I FAQ.

  • You could use the "mouseto" behavior (from the plugins forum) and set it to mouse.x, mouse.y.

    You can check also in the How do I FAQ there's a few other implementations proposed in the section "object moving".

  • Fully agreed with Mipey.

    Also a "true engine as jsimpact", on the debugger part will rely also on the browser's debugger.

    So if you want to debug, use the console in the browser, it is here for it.

  • With or without webgl, I can't seem to reproduce it in a new project.

    Maybe you could post your capx.

    Also does it "cut" this way in any browser ?

    Consider trying several browsers and indicating the results for each one.

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  • If you could post your capx, it would be easier to spot on what went wrong.

    From the sound of it, I'd say select your layouts in the "Projects" tab and make sure that their "Event sheet" property links to the intended events sheet.

    This might be a first thing.

    Another thing is the order of the layouts.

    If you have some variables and code for these variable set in event sheet 2/layout 2/Menu in you case and that you start directly the program on layout game, the whole code about the variables won't act indeed, since the layout they are in never got initialised.

    Make sure that the correct layout is selected as "First layout" property of the project itself.

  • What you are pasting is the HTML code of your page. (preview.html)

    Check out if there's a "Warning" or "Errors" tab in there, and see what it tells you.

  • Good suggestion.

    I also would suggest using bbcode rather than html tagging in this case.

  • Actually, click "Make games" in the top menu.

    Make sure Construct2 is selected, click "Download" in the left list.

    You're taken to which is the current changelog with the comments of the users.

    Something you are missing there ?

  • There's something I'm missing there.

    Ashley, could you take a tlook at this topic, see what could help Rossrox please ?

  • A look at C2's native expressions might be of some help too.

    I think most of your "complex formulas" come from here.

    On the other hand, I've never been a great fan/applier of math either, but it is really something you'd have to cope with in the end depending on the complexity of the games you want to do.

    The more you get into it though, the easier it gets.

  • You have the "Animations" section of the How do I FAQ containing help and examples.

  • You should take a look at the "Audio" section of the how do I FAQ you might get some help from here.

  • If cloud /browser based gaming is to take off then people will have to submit to fast broadband speeds otherwise it will all be a complete faliure.

    It is not always possible to suscribe to such providers. I live in the country-side, with old telephone lines, and my current bandwith is the best I can get for now.

    Internet can't go faster than its physical/technical structure.

  • TBH, I haven't read all the posts, I got lost along ^^

    At some point you had trouble with picking objects/instances, I don't know if it resolved and if this can be of help, but there is the How do I FAQ in the "How do I" forum and a section "Picking/selecting instance(s)" that leads to topics about those subjects.

    The FAQ contains also lot of help about most things about C2 that hit the forum. There are often example capx in said-topics too.

    I also advise you to read this blog article about C2's architecture, which is really good to "separate" what's HTML5 and what's C2 when you are coding with it.

    I hope I'm just not missing the spot here and those infos might help you.