Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Leaston: A wrapping solution was proposed a while ago. Maybe it's worth checking it out.

  • I guess to include Kongregate API to C2 you will have to make your own C2 plugin in javascript.

    Read and experiment with C2's SDK.

    There's no other way around this one for now, I don't think anyone leaned over this integration yet.

  • Extract from the manual article about instances:

    y default, all instances are destroyed when the layout ends (e.g. when going to the next layout). If Global is Yes, none of the instances of this object type will be destroyed when switching layouts.

    Consider this example

    The object Text is set to global.

    I have an instance of Text in layout 1.

    Layout 1 automaticly switches to layout 2 after 2 seconds.

    Result => the button instance of layout2 appears, the text instance of layout 1 stays on screen.

    Clicking the button allow to make a new instance of the Text object.

    Now if you turn global to no on the Text object, observe:

    On layout switching, the Text instance from layout 1 disappears (gets destroyed).

    Still you can create a new instance of Text on layout 2. The object Text itself is "global"/reachable from the whole project.

    The sprite in layout 2 is global.

    Clicking it leads to layout 3.

    The button2 in layout3 just takes back to layout 1.

    You can see with global set to yes, from now on, the Text instances and the sprite appear in every layouts.

    Global only apply to instances, not to the object itself. Every objects are "global" to the project by default.

    In mina's capx, I think the trouble comes from the layer.

    In the "startup of layout" of Event sheet 1 (event 64), you have to "move to layer 3" for text_lives, sprite2 and text_score.

    Make an experience, make sprite4 in layout1 invisible (it is the background, btw mina, you should rather use a tiledbackground object than a sprite there, you could then use a smaller texture (base png) that will repeat itself automaticly and make the project and then download of the game in the end smaller, so better).

    You can see, the instances of text_lives, etc... are on layer 0 (they stay in place when you move to the right).

    In fact, each time you execute the layout 1 again, the sprite4 of background gets drawed over the global instances that traveled through the different layouts, keeping their properties.

    zenox98: It makes sense that they don't get moved back automaticly to the layer3. In fact in the case of non global instances, they would be moved/spawned back. The instance is set for this specific layout.

    But since you're using global instances, that are non limited to a specific layout, it's your responsability to move/handle them.

    The layout sort of "ignores" them.

    I must admit I was confused with this too. Reading the manual and testing in C2 helped.

  • Nice blog SpriteAttack

    Looking at your tutorials, it looks so simple ^^

    I'll have to install inkscape again some day and mess in it a bit.

  • UncleJey: send an email (precising it is yourself) to

    I guess mail providers allow for russian support.

  • Caer: I've just tested it, and it still and never stopped working.

    What makes you think otherwise ?

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  • There's a way to duplicate layouts in the how do I FAQ.

  • For angle, you have the system expression angle(x1,y1,x2,y2) which will return an angle.

    As for a formula I'm not math savy enough to provide one.

    I'd go for trial and error, trying to find a ratio between, like you said, time and distance.

  • There are camera examples in the how do I FAQ (section scrolling/camera).

    What do you mean by "it doesn't always position the person properly" ?

    The only "bug" I noticed was that when falling from a platform, the character did not went back to the "idle" animation.

    I'm pretty sure it has more to see with a little mistake in your complex code than anything to do with full screen, since it happens again even if I set the full screen to off.

    It looks like your character should be clutched to a platform but instead is falling. I can press the "up" key when touching the ground (while staying in "falling" animation) and I get a "push up" like when I'm clinging to the platform and want to go up.

  • vtrix: this option is already available in the properties of the physic behavior : "Collision mask" - "Circle"

  • I second TiAm in his report.

    I tried to modify my sig, and being well under 200 characters, but trying to implement a third url, on submit I had a 404 error too. (the img is a url)

    Keeping to 2 urls, the signature gets accepted.

  • There are examples (C2 and PHP) listed in the how do I FAQ under the section AJAX. (Ize's example if my memory is correct has a zip with a capx and php files)

  • In 2013/2014, I'm pretty sure it will.

  • Instances article in the manual.

    You really should take the time to read the whole manual.

    It's worth it, and should answer all of your questions.

  • Indeed <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Happy constructing.