Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • When you need examples like this, first check the "Examples" folder where you installed C2, it displays lot of interesting things.

    And even if there isn't the stuff you're specifically looking for at the time, checking them out and understanding how they work helps anyway.

    Also there is the how do I FAQ which list tons of examples and, relevant to your question, some example of zooming camera in the "Camera/Scrolling" section.

    Check those out too.

    And once again, even if it seems to you that elements listed are not relevant, still check them out, you might learn technics and tricks that you can then apply to some other features/part of your own projects.

  • Now what happens <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> :

    It looks like C2 tries to shape to the ratio of the external monitor on the main display. Resulting in an empty space at the right of the screen and the bottom of the C2 being out of the displays height.

    None of the other windows does this so I figure it's something in the C2 code.

    It's easy to fix by first minimizing and then maximizing the window.

    I'm not sure to understand, perhaps screenshots could help.

    When you preview on the external monitor, the preview is done in a browser (Firefox or Chrome).

    C2 has no influence on that.

    Also, try to check your graphic card drivers are up to date, as well as your openGL drivers. Such a display error is more likely to be caused by deficient drivers/hardware as the C2 editor relies on openGL library/display.

  • Have i make something wrong or is it a Bug?

    You did something very wrong.

    You create joints every ticks. Each moment passing by, you're adding new and useless physics elements to calculate.

    Simply change the condition "On every tick" by a "On start of layout" and you can have hours of enjoyment with your doll with no slowdown <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />


  • Extract from Wolfenstein3D's wikipedia page :

    efore Wolfenstein 3D, the technology had already been used by id Software in 1991 to create Hovertank 3D and Catacomb 3-D for Softdisk. Other games using the Wolfenstein 3D game engine or derivatives of it were also produced, including Blake Stone, Corridor 7: Alien Invasion, Operation Body Count, Super 3D Noah's Ark, Rise of the Triad, and Hellraiser, an unreleased Color Dreams game planned for the PC and the Nintendo Entertainment System.

    Does the name of the game you're thinking about is up there ? ^^

    Maybe you mean Elite ?

    There's a quite a difference between the render of Elite and the one of Wolfenstein3D imo.

    Doom 3 I played and didn't finished.

    When I was playing Doom and Doom II as a teenager, I would play until I got motion sickness, and then played even more until I felt on the very edge of throwing up/bad headache.

    Doom 3, I got the motion sickness in about 5 minutes ^^

    But I was older also, and less inclined to appreciate the FPS scrolling anymore (at least this kind, with light effects and stuff).

  • Well technically, before there were "FPS" there were "Doom-likes".

    Also, again from a technical point of view, the engines behind Wolfenstein, Doom, Doom II and the Quake saga consecutively revolutionised/reinvented the genre.

    Maybe you're referring to Marathon on Mac ?

    To be honest I've always been a PC guy, so I don't know for sure about the dates and I never played Marathon, not at the time nor since.

    Notice how I had put "inventing" into quotes though. ^^


    I like how this video mentions the genius that also was behind game and level design (and which are not due to John Carmack (@ID_AA_Carmack on twitter) but to his colleague from the time John Romero (@romero on twitter)).

    If like me you've played the first episode (shareware version) of Doom (and or Doom II) over and over again, you'll know what's missing there and how it kind of denatures the original "experience" ^^

    Also thank you shinkan, I've corrected the grammar mistake that your quote was pointing.

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  • Also, the delete point option is not working.

    Please, search the bug before reporting.

    This one has already been reported :

    For the adding a point issue, I think it's by design, since you can add a point by double clicking a polygon point. You need a reference point when adding a new point (the new point being added between the current selected point and the next in order).

    • Post link icon

    For a full control over the colors, I guess you'll have to wait for GLshaders.

    But you could very well cheat your way out with a black sprite on a top layer, covering the whole play field, and having an opacity ranging from 0 (full day) to 50 (full night) for example.

    Edit: Rahhh ninja'd ^^

  • It's because of how events work.

    Event 10 (your "Every 8 seconds" count) is a sub event to event 9 (the blank event) which is true every tick.

    You should rather put in event 8 the conditions :

    System: Every 8 seconds

    System: enemies_number =not 0

    and put the actions of event 10 in event 8.

    This way, every 8 seconds C2 would test if "enemies_number" is different than 0, and if it is, it will spawn a new sprite.

    Else, the condition being false, the actions wouldn't be executed.

    Also you don't necessarily need a global variable to keep count of the instances number.

    Considering your object type is a sprite named "Enemy", you could instead of "System: enemies_number =not 0" having a "System: Compare two values" condition, its first field being "Enemy.count" not equal 0.

  • <center>[tube]wt-iVFxgFWk[/tube]</center>


    ohn Carmack has a virus (biological) and so goes for a 3 hours and a half speech.

    He apologizes for the way Rage release went on PC. (non adapted drivers support)

    He talks about graphic card drivers issues. (And notifies the open Intel drivers for Linux as improved)

    He talks about supporting multi-platform (Mac, Linux, mobiles) with games.

    He would like Steam to take seriously on streaming games (having the games frames calculated on distant servers and streamed to the player's device).

    His current field of research is Virtual Reality and he talks about it for about 1 hour and depicts the current state of VR applied to games.

    He talks about optics, research hardware (head mounted device, head tracking, 3DTV, ...) and the technicality of rendering/making a VR game.

    He also thinks about neural stimulation as a next big step through Virtual Reality.

    He's not a big fan of webGL and browser technologies/JavaScript and doesn't believe webGL's access to graphic card to be secured/totally sand-boxed.

    It comes from the openGL drivers and the way they are implemented/all the possible access they provide to malicious (or simply badly written) code in his opinion.

    He talks a bit about CPU and GPU architectures and programming for those.

    He talks about windows8 adoption and expresses that it is a "problem" he'd rather not have to deal with, he's happy with windows 7 and not expecting much from w8.

    He talks about audio, considering it a solve problem for "standing position" gaming (desktop, computers, mobiles) but possibly an area to improve on for VR, immersing even more the user into the experience and "cheating" the brain into buying into the virtual world.

    He talks about I/O (input/outputs), and speculates on the future of those for VR and gaming (gloves, touch pads, monitor vs head mounted devices, ...).

    He talks about his work on rockets for his aerospace company.

    He took questions from the audience.

    Doom 4 will possibly be made for 3D view (opposed to 2D view a monitor screen, a TV, etc...) and is mentioned as being the next project after the release of Doom 3 BFG.

    John Carmack presents himself as a technical person/graphics programmer.

    He's been developing game engines for his company ID Software for more than 20 years (he basically made the first scrolling engine on PC at a time when graphic cards weren't designed to support such a feature) and he's known for "inventing" the FPS genre with his company in the 90's with games such as "Wolfenstein 3D" and "Doom".

    Each year at the QuakeCon, he gives a speech where he talks about the technology/games/whatever he is working on and give honest analysis and feedback on his work, his vision of the game industry and his company.

    He's a highly clever person and despite long monologues his talks are always fascinating.

    I tried to sum up the keynote as objective as I could, don't take it as golden words, nothing is better than hearing his thoughts directly from himself.

  • The official language for the forum is english.

    When you post, at least please post a translation (even a google translation) of your post.

    ou can build games in team sports like soccer construct 2 vs 2 or can not be

    Here is the translation for your current question.

    Online multiplayer games can be done with Construct 2 but requires the websocket plugin in C2 and require you to code your own server (in nodeJS for example).

    Here is an example of a multiplayer game some forum member made, you should check it out.

    For multiplayer, locally on the same computer, it is just a matter of getting the correct inputs for each of your players.

    Check the tutorials section and the how do I FAQ.

  • It could be an interesting feature indeed.

  • Here's even a more advanced example that kind of feels like what containers do with several type of object : Second example capx

  • You don't even need the "For each" condition, simply "Compare instance variable" is enough.

    Nothing to see with the containers here.

    This is just basic picking, and you can check the how do I FAQ in the section "Picking / Selecting instances" to see more examples and explanations.

    Here is also a quick example capx for your issue.

  • Example capx

  • Example capx

    Make sure your particles "Type" property is set to "One-Shot".