Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • <center><img src="" border="0">

    <font size="5">in September 2012</font></center>

    It's time for the monthly recap of what went down on during the past month.

    New releases

    • Release 102 (beta) - Improved Windows 8 integration.
    • Release r103.2 Stable - Stable update, and minor bug fixes over the previous beta release.
    • Release 104 (beta) - Extra features for event variables, touch, and gamepad.

    (The features listed here are only the "highlighted" features for each release. Check each release page to see the complete changelog and comments for each version)

    <font size="4">Be sure to keep updated to the most recent release of Construct 2</font>

      If you think you have found a bug in Construct 2 you can report it in this forum BUT
    • Make sure it is not already a reported bug by searching through the "Bugs" forum
    • Make sure it is not a bug in your events, a difference between what you have coded and what you would expect
    • Make sure you're using the very latest version of Construct 2 (beta possibly, stable if this is the very latest release available)
    • Join a .capx of the issue in the simplest manner possible (no 100+ events capx, no 10 mb capx)
    • Make sure to read How to report bugs before posting and providing all the required informations (your configuration, the steps to use to reproduce the bug, any relevant information you can provide)

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    • The website was down for a couple of days, more or less depending on the countries it seems. Scirra's DNS provider went down and most members of the community couldn't access the website for a few days. Everything went back to normal, no data was lost except for some members losing their "day streak" in the process. Otherwise the datas on the website were never compromised. More infos

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    New third part plugins/behaviors

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    Blog articles

    • The Difficulties of Self Publicising by Tom: An article about the issue of manipulation on popular sites like reddit or hacker news and how this practice could tend to "democratize". A proposition of solution is also formulated and debated.
    • The web as a platform by Ashley: In this article Ashley talks about the new iOS6 and its support of the Web audio API as well as the fact that the browser Safari now can handle games played from the web in performances close to native performances. A moving forward that allows to consider publishing to the web as a viable publishing option even for mobiles.

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    As an added bonus, here are the links to the former "What you may have missed" topics.

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    This closes the recap for this month post "heat of the summer".

    A steady flow of new releases, informations as well as documentation.

    October is there, we're still here too, see you next month.

  • Here is a list of the webGL effects that were posted in this forum.

    To install the effect, read the thread from each effect, but in most cases you'll need to unzip the provided package in your "Construct2\effects" folder.

    User Saiyadjin did a big job putting in place in July 2017 this google doc which attempts to add descriptions to effects and determine if they are up to date or not.

    You can check the document or check for yourself directly in the forums' topics.

    • Alpha Threshold - LINK - Animmaniac
    • 2D Dynamic Lighting - LINK - Pode
    • Outline - LINK - R0j0hound
    • Bilinear zoom - LINK - Pode
    • Mode7 - LINK - R0j0hound
    • RGBA-Channel separation - LINK - oppenheimer
    • VHS Damage - LINK - joannesalfa
    • Erosion and dilation - LINK - oppenheimer
    • CRT Shader - LINK - anata
    • Plasma rainbow - LINK - necromaster
    • Flower petals - LINK - necromaster
    • Firestorm - LINK - necromaster
    • Circles (with eyelid) - LINK - necromaster
    • Planet generator - LINK - necromaster
    • Sobel edge detect - LINK - necromaster
    • Oscillating sweep - LINK - necromaster
    • Kaleidoscope - LINK - necromaster
    • Tunnel Mask - LINK - necromaster
    • Textured Tunnel - LINK - necromaster
    • Chroma effect - LINK - arcalaus
    • Plane replace effect - LINK - arcalaus
    • Normal mapping - LINK - necromaster
    • Plasma - LINK - necromaster
    • Voronoi - LINK - necromaster
    • RGBrighter & Fog - LINK - shinkan
    • GiantBlurs (Adjustable size) - LINK - TheBen
    • Hq2x - LINK - anata
    • Adjust hue - LINK - R0j0hound
    • Various effects (with gif demo) - LINK - Somebody
    • Radial Starfield - LINK - anata
    • Opacity gradient - LINK - bladedpenguin
    • Raster FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Multiple FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Star Nest - LINK - Gigatron
    • 3D Stars - LINK - Gigatron
    • Spectrum beam - LINK - Gigatron
    • 3D Anaglyph effects - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Bayer Dithering Effect - LINK - Gigatron
    • NightVision - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • LED Filter - LINK - Gigatron
    • ASCII Art FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • BarrelDistort Effect - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • SinCity 2 - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Thermal Heat Camera - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Video Billboard effect - LINK - Gigatron
    • 3D Cube Map - LINK - Gigatron
    • CRT Filter FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Ordered 4X4 Matrix Dithering - LINK - Gigatron
    • NESIFY - LINK - Gigatron
    • Fire Flame - LINK - matriax
    • Rotated Rays FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Normal map extended - LINK - matriax
    • Cloud Tunnel - LINK - tatogame
    • NoisePlus - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • GradientPlus - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • GradientRadial - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Film Grain - LINK - untune
    • YUV Rotation - LINK - Gigatron
    • Twister FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • OLD TV Filter - LINK - vortexstudios - COMMERCIAL
    • Another shader - LINK - Gigatron
    • MultipleFX4 - LINK - Gigatron
    • 3D Blur - LINK - Gigatron
    • ColorCheck - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Stereo3D Background - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Frostedglass - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Lookup filter - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • BasicBlur - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Direction/Motion Blur - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • WebGL Sphere - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Lottes CRT Shader Conversion - LINK - ErekT
    • 3D Deform Shader FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • High pass and low pass filters - LINK - Gigatron
    • alienTunnel - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • TiltShift and Lense blur effect - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • 2.5D Platformer - LINK - Gigatron
    • DepthDisplace (with demo capx) - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • CSS Transition effect (Chrome only) - LINK - sizcoz
    • LightPlus - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • DropShad - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Bg Rainbow - LINK - Gigatron
    • OuterGlow - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • HyperMode (Fast Travel) - LINK - Gigatron
    • Tube FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Rasterizer - LINK - Gigatron
    • Bouncer / Reflect - LINK - Gigatron
    • DeformGlsl - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Phong Ball - LINK - Gigatron
    • Caustics effect (animated) - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Animated plane effect - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Health bar - LINK - Gigatron
    • Gaussian blur - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Chrome (metallic) - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Opacity - LINK - Gigatron
    • Texture splitter - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • SquareDot - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Cpc464 Palette - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Text Menu Bar - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Rasterized Pyramid - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Counter - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • ParalaxZoom effect - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Cartesian to Polar - LINK - Gigatron
    • 3 Reel slot machine - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Hue Rotator - LINK - Gigatron
    • Flood Fill - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Blend Collection - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Screen shake - LINK - Gigatron
    • Fog FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Pulstar Star - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Page Curl - LINK - Demo
    • Fireworks - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Noise TV - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Texture Mixer - LINK - Gigatron
    • Infinite Zoom - LINK - Gigatron
    • C2-Dex Fullscreen + VAlphaClip - LINK - Funky Koval
    • Relief Map - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • 5 C2 effects - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Colors DownSampler - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Night Sky - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Punch (PaintShop Pro) - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Game Boy Screen - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Texture zoomer - LINK - Gigatron
    • C64 Screen - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • VignetteColor - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Gradient map - LINK - Funky Koval
    • Flow Noise Fire - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • CRT monitor fix - LINK - Gigatron
    • Texture stripes - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Beautyfy FX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Picture Frame FX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Line Filter - LINK - Gigatron
    • C Tunnel - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Knitted P-Process - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Colored Edge Detection - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Triangles Mosaic - LINK - Gigatron
    • Reflect FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Board Map - LINK - Gigatron
    • Cylinder Map - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • LSD FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • SeaScape - LINK - Gigatron
    • CLD - LINK - Gigatron
    • TV Flicker FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Oil Paint FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Ceramic Glass FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • B/W Elevate - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Magnetismic FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Motion Blur by iq - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Plate Texture - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • HeightFieldFX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • SpaceSim Effect - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Growing color - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • R Cube FX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Carpet FX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Boken Lens Flare - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • BubbleFX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Denoise (Bilateral box filter) - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Pipe Tunnel FX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Light FX + Derivate + Hologram + Toon + Wireframe - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • V Texture Shift - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Binary Digit - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Texture Tiles - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • C2 Text FX #1 - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Old School DeMo #1 - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Old School DeMo #2 and #3 - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • G Glow FX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Old school demo 8 & 10 - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Dust Displacement - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Menger2D Tiles - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Tiled BG WIP - [ul=]LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Old School Demo 12 - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Utility Shader - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • FX for BG - LINK - Gigatron
    • Crystal ball extend - LINK - KTML5
    • Flash to white - LINK - Gigatron
    • Gold Texture FX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • 16 Colors replacer - LINK - andreyin
    • Force 16 colors - LINK - andreyin
    • Sun - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Glass FX; Zig zag; FBMFlood; Pixel Flood; CDisplace; tCircle; Lego FX; QBertify FX; Stripify FX; LQS - LINK - Gigatron
    • ImageToNormalMap - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • FX Status - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Alpha Dithering Shader - LINK - Gigatron
    • Awesome Star - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Rainbow text - LINK - sizcoz
    • CSS blind/curtain - LINK - sizcoz
    • ImageTransition (blinds) - LINK - chrisbrobs
    • Shape Transition - LINK - Gigatron
    • Galaxy - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Transition layer/layout - LINK - Gigatron
    • Planet Terrain FX - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Sprite Utility Shader - LINK - Gigatron
    • Mario Cube FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • 2D Road System - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Light rays - LINK - Gigatron/iyenal222
    • 9 Patch shader WIP - LINK - Gigatron
    • Cell shading - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Drop Shadow + - LINK - Gigatron/matriax
    • Nebulus Tower - LINK - Gigatron
    • Dispersion - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Fire - LINK - Gigatron
    • Stained window - LINK - Gigatron
    • Crop Effect - LINK - Rexu
    • TextFX #3 - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Money Filter - LINK - Gigatron - Demo
    • Tileable noise shaders - LINK - Matriax/Gigatron
    • Flare FX - LINK - Gigatron
    • Black Ink - LINK - Gigatron
    • Edge Detection - LINK - Gigatron
    • Rain Fx - LINK - Gigatron

    Tools and WebGL effects related discussions :

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Helladen: you can use groups or simply conditions/trigger.

    The on button click is a trigger that requires a user action.

    But with conditions, it's your job to make sure that the condition can only be true one tick (at a time or ever).

    Edit: example capx for one condition

    It works because the include is considered a sub event of event one. But event one condition is true only one tick and so its sub event executed only once.

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • Example capx

    For this example I keep the "state" of the effect in the global variable, and on click on the button, I check this state and execute the actions accordingly.

    Works on firefox 15 and Chrome 22.

  • A license is either attributed to one person (one user name) or to a computer (if it is a business version).

    If you need to buy several licenses at once you can mail and ask for a bulk.

    More informations about the licensing can be found in the store page (FAQ at the bottom of the page) as well as this tutorial.

    For the preview question, I would like to know what other type of preview you would expect ?

    By default, indeed, the preview happens in a browser, and with the help of this tutorial, you can also preview on mobile device, but still in HTML5/through browser too.

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  • Following exactly what you're asking in the post above here is a capx.

  • And what about webstorage ?

    Find examples of use in the how do I FAQ

  • Use the browser action "Go to URL" and set the URL to your website's next section ?

  • Using r104 I can't reproduce the issue (neither in Firefox or Chrome)

    Here is a capx.

    The only issue I can find is that the textwidth returned is different in Firefox 15 (returns 215) than in Chrome 22 (returns 211).

  • Hi, please read how to report bug.

    In the current state, your report is incomplete and there's not much that can be done about it.

    Please make sure to complete your report, state precisely the issue, the steps you took to reproduce it, eventually propose a capx with the issue.

    What version of iPhone are you using ? Does the touch not happen during a preview ? With an exported project ? What type of exported project (HTML5, appmobi, etc...) ?


  • Well, a bit propaganda/marketing.

    This advertisement states slow startup and poor performances of HTML5 on iOS, and it's true.

    What's the article fails to mention is that those poor performances are mainly due to the bad support of html5 gaming/app on safari's iOS default browser (lack of WebGL support by default for instance).

    It's marketing for a (apparently) working solution to convert flash apps to native apps.

    That's a nice tool and solution for sure.

    But HTML5 hasn't failed as much as the article wants to state. On desktop computers, I think HTML5 gaming support in most recent browsers is more than decent.

    Thanks to wrappers like cocoonJS and appmobi, I guess you can get decent apps on mobiles.

    Also, at some point in the future hopefully there will be Firefox OS that will aim at low budget mobiles (and possibly at high end too for the more geeky/freedom-thirsty users) based on a linux core and providing a firefox browser as interface of the OS, supporting HTML5.

    An alternative to Apple locked privacy policy and Google's "we trace you" policy.

    So imo, the link you gave is a marketing text operating on misinformation to sell what could be a short-term solution today. But I don't think HTML5's state is as bleak as this advert likes to say.

  • For my recent video tutorials, I've been using Debut Video Capture Software by NHCSoftware.

    The price is far cheaper than camtasia's and the end result and ease of capture is pretty good.

    On a recent/decent computer it seems to be capturing pretty good at decent frame rate/image quality.