Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Not for me in a brand new project in FF 15.

    Please precise the browser you're using, provide a capx.

    Make sure you've noticed this change in r105's log :


    Breaking change: certain WebGL effects have been changed to take in to account the scale, so they look similar even at different zoom/window scale levels. However this can cause them to look different in existing projects, because they did not used to take this in to account. The following shaders have been modified: Pulse, Warp, Warp Mask, Warp ripple.

    Give as many informations and detailed steps as instructed in how to report bugs.

  • You use the action "8 direction: Simulate control" on a condition of your choice ("On every X seconds" for example, or "On every tick", depending on what you're wanting to do exactly).

    Be sure also to check the "How do I FAQ" (link in my signature) in the section "Moving object" and "Platformer". There are several example of patrolling/moving enemies.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Check this topic and this post in this thread.

    Download the capxs, it should be pretty straight forward from there.

    If you are a complete newcomer, I advise you to start first with the link "New to Construct: where to start" and follow up the links and explanations it provides and complete a few beginners' tutorials to just get the perfect basis to get started and allow you to comeback to the whack-a-mole idea and being able to take it even further.

  • The how do I FAQ in the section "Scrolling/Camera".

  • Update to either r103 (stable) or r105 (beta). There is no reason using old versions and newer are stabler.

    Try your project again, if it still doesn't work provide the capx.

    You can also try to upload your export on dropbox so that others may try and see if they get the same error.

  • A neon glow/lightening.

    Is it already doable with a configuration of the currently available effects ?

    To be honest I haven't spent much time testing them out yet, I wish this list could also provide some "templates"/configurations.

    Good thread idea !

  • As long as you're not making profits from the game it should be fine.

    Is the game itself supposed to draw some kind of profits ? If so you might need a standard license as explained in how C2 licenses work.

    To be totally sure you can always send an email explaining your case to

  • Or simply import graphics that already contains transparency (alpha channel).

    Check this thread.

  • Hello from France,

    Salut :)

    Problem 1 :

    My game get 7 layouts, same number of events sheets, about 50 objects (texts, sprites, no sounds ...) and the software make my PC working slowly. (my PC works under Windows XP, with Intel Core Duo, 3 Go RAM).

    I would like to make a game with 10 levels but I'm afraid the software can't manage more objects. I got many system crashes !

    I suppose it is because all layouts of the game are loaded into memory each time...

    It's more likely that your computer (and perhaps the system) is pretty weak for nowadays standards.

    Making sure that you use either the latest version of chrome or firefox and making sure that your graphic card can allow you to handle webGL will probably help with the performances.

    Be sure to check the best practices and performance tips manual entries.

    Be sure also to read this blog article considering optimisation with Construct 2.

    Problem 2 :

    I didn't found a debug mode. It could be very helpfull to see variables values in real time (actually, I'm using text objets to display variables values).

    But when I put a negative value on a text object (ie Y coordinate of an object) it can't be displayed... Positive values are displayed. Strange...

    Indeed quite strange, I never had issues with the display of values.

    Make sure your text object is wide enough to display the number of characters ( the "-" is one more character)

    For debug, you can use third part plugins log to chrome console (which ties also to firefox's console and/or firebug extension) or Debug panel.

    The debuging request has been made already quite a lot and will be met eventually, just remember Scirra is a 2 men team only who can only implement a limited amount of features each releases.

    Problem 3 :

    I didn't understand the interest of buttons objects: they don't accept graphics.. So I decided to create sprites and to detect mouse upon them. To limit number of buttons, I made only 1 sprite for the appearance of the button and I added a different text upon each instance of my sprite button. It could be very usefull to create "boxes" or "groups" for such a button (A box could contain several objects, ie: a text and a graphic).

    Same remark as above, this has been known as containers in Construct Classic and will eventually land in C2.

    Problem 4 :

    It is not easy to manage groups and events in the interface. You need to move events lines very carefully. It would be more simple to use a right click of the mouse to select actions (add this event to this group, move this event to the top, and so on...) And the ranking of these event lines change the way the game works...

    I'm not sure to understand that issue.

    Tbh I've been using the event sheet system for a couple of years now, once you get the hang of it, it's not a problem anymore.

    The right click context menu already contains a lot of elements, I'm afraid adding some more options could bloat it.

    As for the order of events, they already do matter as you can read in this imperative to read manual entry about how events work.

    Problem 5 :

    It is impossible to select a sprite on a scene if this sprite is on a layer under another layer. You need to move the sprite which is upon the one you want. I suggest to create something to lock coordinates of a sprite and something to select sprites from their lists. Well... I let you find the right idea but it would be usefull to be able to move all sprites without looking at the z-index of their layer...

    Indeed, but you can, in the layers bar lock/hide the upper layer to see/select only the layer you want.

    The lock object request already happened/2 men team/eventually will arrive, you know the drill now ^^

    Suggestions :

    They are not enough examples of how manage movements on a game. It coulb be very comfortable to get an example of each kind of movement.

    (IE : how to use sinus and cosinus to manage X and Y movements, how to manage gravitation, movement for a plane, a car, a human, and so on...)

    You already have quite a few examples in the C2 install\examples folder of your installation.

    Also, the forums and the how do I FAQ as well as the tutorials sections of the websites have pretty much what you need. It takes time to search those, but it's really worth it.

    It would be wonderful to get librairies of special objects (like buttons with effects for example). As it was into the Game Factory software...

    The editor software is too light... You need another software to make good job.

    Not sure what you're talking about here ?

    Are you asking for a more worked image edition tool ?

    Once again 2 men team, this is not the aim of Construct 2. Tbh, having an external image editing tool is not that much of an issue and why try to compete with tools like photoshop or Gimp with their massive amount of man hours and development when the goal of the software is to be a game maker ? That's not where the essential is.

    I hope a french version (and french documentation) will soon be available !

    Translation tools for the website and the interface are planned, but take time.

    And the community will also have to take some time to do the translating.

    There is a French external forum for construct-classic/construct 2

  • I'm a bit puzzled by your statement " It's just how a lot of people talk nowadays, especially in the police profession".

    I'm not sure it is the case, and it also depends on the country I guess.

    In US movies, yes you have super cops with quite a swearing language or being smartasses. I'm not sure it's something done regulary IRL though.

    As Mulkaccino, I'd say swearing as to mean something. If it is just swearing for swearing, it risks to pull the player out of the game.

    If one character in peculiar is a heavy swearer because it's part of its personality, than massive swearing can be handled by the player, if the rest of the cast is more sporadic on swearing.

    It all depends on the reasons, the characters and the situations.

    Interesting topic and question.

  • DLZ: This tutorial is what you need to read and do

    gonpla: There is no way to change the layout size at runtime.

    You don't really need it normally.

    A useful trick might be to go in the layout proeperties and set "Unbounding scrolling" to "Yes".

    May or may not be useful, it depends on the game you're making.

  • Tokinsom already pretty much said it all in my opinion.

    The fact to not have a physical action on enemies that result in their disappearance pretty much nullifies violence.

    It doesn't matter if the enemy disappears in a comical way, the sole fact that it disappears means death.

    jogosgratispro you were talking about super mario earlier, it is violent. The player has to "kill" enemies.

    Violence is not only graphical with blood and limbs.

    Tokinsom's idea of making the enemies obstacles that the player has to avoid makes it such that the game is more based on movement/pattern recognition/anticipation. On paper it doesn't sound like a violent game.

  • That's a good question.

    I guess it depends exactly on the license used for the photos. Creative commons have several licenses, but if you are sure you are allowed to use and modify their work in a commercial end with only having to credit them, I guess there should be no issue with monetizing the game.

    Perhaps you could even give credits for the photo ingame while playing it.

    As long as you're making it clear that the content is common creative it should be fine.

    Better check with some lawyer though, don't take only my word for it, but that's my understanding of creative commons licenses.

  • iunkn: I'm not sure to understand.

    Your plugin is already in the list, would you rather the link to point to the tutorial ?

  • I guess the issue is on "On end of layout".

    This condition only happens when you are using the system action "go to layout" and so is some sort of "final actions" before getting to the next layout.

    In your case, checking for colliding instances is pretty much useless since instances are destroyed from a layout to another.

    You should provide a full capx of what you've been doing and explaining what exactly you're trying to do.