Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • AlbertHall: Once again, sorry but you're wrong.

    m4a (aac) is in C2 specifically for IE.

    You might want to also check these (1, 2) Scirra's blog articles on the subject.

    Agreed on the tracker format support though. Unfortunately THAT library is apparently only supported in chrome.

  • Update your graphic card drivers.

    Most of the time it resolves this kind of issue.

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  • R115 is the newest beta.

    You have the links to the beta and stable release at the very bottom of each page.

    I'm not sure exactly what your issue is, so when asking questions, please join a capx to make it easier to provide help seeing how you set things up so far.

  • We can stick a thread in the "Your creations" forum for example for each month's "challenge".

    In CC there used to be a colossal reward of 1$ paid by some motivated member each month.

    Perhaps the reward of the challenge could be simply to have a game made (pretty much like Ludum Dare's line, with mainly exposure on Scirra's forums).

    I agree that prototypes and offering support in the forums allows to work one skills and keep things interesting/fast paced.

    But "gaining" the experience of completing a game is also good and has deep impact on the whole process of game making, from the prototype to the release phase.

    (Also it legitimises your position as game maker)

    Actually completing a game apparently can be considered one tough task to handle in game making by many people (according to the results of this poll).

    This site can be considered as a mainstream source.

    So yes, having some challenges allowing members of our community to complete games is a nice idea in my opinion ^^

  • Similar to this reported bug ?

    Also doesn't it follow the scope of newly created instances ?

  • The issue seems to be specific to Chrome.

    It works as intended in the latest FF version.

    It may be an issue with some registration on the "end of layout" or with the audio plugin itself.

    The console in chrome doesn't seem to raise error when this happens.

  • I am thinking about if its a good idea, to make up a Game Jam.

    Organizing a jam is a good idea.

    The conditions you enumerate after aren't though.

    I think it will cost 5$ to participate, and there will be some good prices to win.

    5$ to participate an unknown jam when there are so many free jams around ? Bad idea.

    Ideas for participate.

    - The game have to be builded with either of this 4 engines, Stencyl, Gamesalad, Scirra or GameMaker

    - There have to be 1 or more balls in the game.

    - The game have to be in 'Spring' theme (The season Spring).

    - It have to be a shooter concept game.

    - There have to be a little tutorial in the game or instructions for what buttons to use (Arrow keys, etc).

    Bad ideas.

    Far too much limiting, like the entry fee.

    Every one can participate in the Jam, either they are using free versions of the engines, or paid versions.

    We don't have to get any source code, thats your own, just a playable version of the game, not iOS or Android, it have to be playable on a Mac or a Windows computer.

    Again, why limit so much ?

    Bad idea. C2 alone can export to android, iOS, desktop browser, exe, mac and soon linux, windows8, blackberry 10...

    Why limit to only two platforms which are not the most practical in the end ?

    You may not use anything other have been making, like behaviors, graphics or sounds.

    The game have to be started on the day the game jam is starting or after it have been started, you may not start before time.

    You will have about 2-6 weeks to make the game, this isn't sure at now, have to hear if its a good idea or not.

    The timing sounds strange.

    Also since you're giving the theme away in this very post, what prevents anyone from "cheating" and start to work on their game right now ?

    Once again, organizing a jam is a cool idea, but, to me, your rules are too strict/unrealistic.

    Rework those, think more open and it could be considered.

    You may also want to join the discussion here, some members of the community are discussing organizing a jam, unite your forces/ideas.

  • which means that I am stuck with non-compressed WAV.

    AlbertHall: What ? C2 automatically converts wav to either ogg or m4a which both are compressed formats.

    Also C2 supports webAudio API as much as possible for you.

    Please check this manual entry about music & sounds in C2.

  • I think what you are offering is not really realistic compensation. I'm not sure you understand how much work goes in to animation and video creation. Three minutes is a "HUGE" job.

    Completely agreed.

    Consider adding at least one zero to your offer and you'll be closer to the reality of the market.

  • In event 1 add an action "Sprite2: Set Solid Disabled" (in the Action dialog in the section "Solid" as "Set enabled").

  • The "help wanted" section is a kind of jobs board.

    If there are no proposed or demanding positions of PR/marketing, then probably there aren't such people in the forums or they all failed taking advantage of this forum so far.

  • Please check the How do I FAQ to the section "Scrolling / Camera", you should find examples answering your question.

  • Check for errors in your browser.

    Also post your link and maybe even your capx so we can have a look by ourselves.

    Are you sure you are exporting using the "HTML5 website" option ?

  • BluePhaze: Spriter uses the keyframes as coordinates for the different sprites that compose your animated object.

    Check again this example of use.

    The "monster" is composed by several sprite objects, positioned and each displaying a specific set of textures.

    What Spriter does is emulate the positions of each object in relation to the others in real time, according to the keyframes.

    So a spritesheet containing the fixed positions of the character kind of defeats Spriter's purpose.

    The textures of the monster WILL be in a spritesheet no matter what as mentioned in this article and if you use the correct image compression.

    The character being composed of several sprites, there is one sprite for the head and its different "stances", one for the left arm, one for the right arm, etc...

    The keyframes are nothing but datas that will be applied in realtime to transition from a stance of the character to another one (applying to each and every single sprite that composes the character).

    I hope it makes things clearer.

  • ramones: thanks, added.