Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • In February 2014

    New releases

    The features listed here are only the "highlighted" features for each release. Check each release page to see the complete changelog and comments for each version)

    Be sure to keep updated to the

    most recent release of Construct 2

    If you think you have found a bug in Construct 2 you can report it in this forum BUT

    • Make sure it is not already a reported bug by searching through the "Bugs" forum
    • Make sure it is not a bug in your events, a difference between what you have coded and what you would expect
    • Make sure you're using the very latest version of Construct 2 (beta possibly, stable if this is the very latest release available)
    • Attach a .capx of the issue in the simplest manner possible (no 100+ events capx, no 10 mb capx)
    • Make sure to read How to report bugs before posting and providing all the required informations (your configuration, the steps to use to reproduce the bug, any relevant information you can provide)

    It is really important since about 50% of reports aren't bugs which takes time out of working on Construct2 directly.

    Be responsible, help everybody by making sure it's not your events in cause first.

    Third part addons

    WebGL effects

    Blog posts

    • Scirra
      • Construct2 support for wii U now - An article to announce the availability of the Wii U export through the usage of a specific Wii U plugin Nintendo Authorised Developers can retrieve from Nintendo's Wii U developer's forum and use.
      • Multiplayer is coming - An article to present the first features and the idea behind the upcoming development cycle for the multiplayer engine that Scirra is making. This has been a major request and is overall a huge amount of work which you can be a part of by helping test it out. The engine relies on WebRTC which is implemented in Chrome and FireFox. Read the whole article to learn more about the features, the beta testing as well as the ideas around the monetisation of this features from Scirra's part.
    • Ashley
      • Time to upgrade from Windows XP - An article relaying Microsoft's announce of the close end of windows XP support (April 2014) and giving some reasons on why to upgrade to a more recent version and what it can bring to you in regards to the use of Construct2


    Former retrospect

    As an added bonus, here is a list of the former "What you may have missed" posts for the year.


    The biggest change for this past month was the rework of the forums.

    The software is new and allows for users far more control over their profiles than the previous forum software did.

    You can check out your User Control Panel to set all your preferences in regards to the forums.

    The changes are still quite new, and some quirks are still there.

    Tom is working actively on fixing all those issues and is very careful of your feedback.

    The "Forum Issues Thread - Please read!" thread in the Website issues and Feedback forum is where he keeps and asks for the issues to be posted.

    Be sure to read the first post first as it is where he keeps track of his "to-do" list as far as forum quirks/modification goes.

    Please don't report an issue that's already listed there.

    For the more observants as well, you can notice the forum's hierarchy/reorganisation as well.

    We (the staff team) hope this new organisation will be more efficient and make more sense for everybody (English and non-English native speakers alike) and will allow us to have less moderation work of moving topics around to the most appropriate forums.

    Also, if you want to help out, you can report posts/topics/PMs.

    The new forums makes it easier for us to see and manage those reports and act accordingly.

    You can also follow Scirra on Twitter and Facebook.

    Lately, Ashley has been announcing when he was doing beta tests of the in-the-works multiplayer plugin he wrote an article about.

    This would allow you to have a first look at the performances and excitation this plugin brings in the community.

    This closes this post, see you next month.

  • lolpaca: Aparently not, Steam's network is not interfaced with Scirra's website. In other words, Steam's licenses are managed by Steam and Scirra's licenses are managed by Scirra.

    Maybe you can send an email at licensehelp to ask that they manually add the badge to you. I'm not sure they can though.

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  • The game is pretty confusing.

    At first it is said that we have to put all vegetables in the baskets.

    Nevertheless, on level 1, pushing the potato in the basket does not score point.

    Once all 15 balls "spent", there is no feedback/star count (even if I had more than 1000 points from cleaning the eggs and dots, expecting three stars).

    I go back to the menu by clicking "Exit", but on the "level selection screen", there's nothing new.

    Also, it doesn't seem I can click anything else than level 1.

    Note: After three tries (a "regular player" won't try more than once, see that it doesn't work, and just quit), I finally had a "You won" end screen on the level, 3 stars on level 1 and an update of the level selection.

    It feels like I have to right click and wait for the "end of level" to be considered, but nowhere is it indicated.

    So, imo, there is an issue with the feedback to your player, always consider that you need first to teach your player how to play your game.

    This also makes the level design a bit problematic. The first levels should be very easy, and display easily the concept of the game.

    The first level, with the kind of ramp over the potato makes it "too hard".

    And some feedback in is confusing. The ball you shoot makes a sound when they drop in the basket, even though it doesn't score points. It's confusing and can lead the player to believe that it is doing something "good" when in fact, it's not the main goal at all.

    You may play a sound, but maybe have a less "happy" sound, something more neutral, whereas this same sound could apply to when you drop vegetable and then actually score ! Whereas, at the moment, scoring big vegetables falling into basket don't make sound and there's no feedback unless you pay attention to the score.

    Also, even if you have completed (put all the vegetables in baskets) you still have to "empty" your number of balls before the winning conditions are checked out.

    And you need to click the "Menu (exit)" text anyway instead of being taken back to the level selection screen directly, or even going to the next level automatically.

    The level selection screen should display a visible symbol for the "locked" levels and the unlocked/playable levels.

    At the moment, there is only a difference once you have completed a first level, making it confusing until the first level has been completed.

    So my main feeling about your game as it is is confusing.

    It has potential and needs to be clearer for the player.

    Otherwise, it can make for a nice simple game.

    Also, I noticed there was already a topic where you had asked for feedback on your graphics and interesting feedback was already given to you, so don't hesitate to rework the graphics to make them more pleasing/interesting (with shadow/highlights, more pleasant shapes, etc...)

    Improve on the feedback, make it clearer, work the level design to teach the concept and add difficulty/new gameplay elements with each new level.

    And finally, the "boss" can be beaten with only clicking it, there isn't the strategy/gameplay involved in the rest of the game which makes it "simple" and pretty disconnected.

    It's a bit of a sad ending to a mental challenge that ends "just" in mashing.

    It would be better to have to beat a boss according to the same mechanics of the game (dropping items on it, or something of the like).

    Your game is a nice basis, but overall still need work, I hope you'll take advantage of that feedback and improve it.

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  • shinkan: I think it is email notifications, since when I post and uncheck it, I still get the forum notification (the red number in top right of the forum) but no email.

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  • shinkan: Check your User Control Panel - Board Preferences - Posting by default.

    Also, when you post a message and edit it you have the "Notify me when a reply is posted" checkbox that you can uncheck.

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  • Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis was indeed a good one as well.

    A full indiana Jones story written for a videogame, still inscripted in the saga (using some characters like Marcus the Museum/Head teacher) but an "exclusive" story never seen in the movies.

    It was a good one indeed.

  • ffman22: Done. Also I think you can delete posts/topic on your own.

  • You can set it up for your account in the User Control Panel - Tab "Board preferences" - "Edit posting defaults".

  • Can you repost your original image?

    Also I don't understand what you're referring to exactly either.

    Doesn't look there's a bug to me, second page looks fine.