Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Nice to see you back around Arima.

    And I'm glad to know you have found some way to satiate your (game making) creativity needs again in a hopefully far less painful way than it used to.

    There is this Shard RPG thingy with a very nice battle system that still requires all your attention and needs to be released some day

    Welcome back.

  • Are you sure your target device supports advanced audio effects ?

    Have you added an appropriate audio plugin in Intel XDK when doing the conversion ?

    Moved from the "Effect" forum which is about WebGL effects and has nothing to do with audio effects.

  • You get an URI, then it is up to you to do something with it.

    You either download it using the Browser plugin.

    Or send it to an online server of your choice using AJAX.

    When you take the snapshot, it is just a line of text you have to do something with.

    When you mention Android, do you mean exported as a Cordova application or executed in a browser on Android ?

    The execution in browser will work as is. Exported as Cordova might require you to add some Cordova plugin to your converting tool.

  • Actually, what is surprising is that the action "Set Sprite X to 500" in Ashley's example does not affect all instances of Sprite, as it is the case when a condition does no picking (which ends up being the case in the stated OR event if no sprite is < 500 and that the event is only executed because of the global variable value).

    Isn't it considered in the runtime as if the first condition did not exist at all ?

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  • It works. You use the system action, it takes your whole canvas as a screenshot and there is a "On canvas snapshot" system condition you can use to trigger actions when the snapshot is taken.

    And you have access to your screenshot as an URI using the system expression "CanvasSnapshot".

    Reading the description for all those in the manual do help.

    See this topic. Not exactly the same as what you want, but it shows snapshot in action.

  • Vector X is only the horizontal movement. Negative it will go left, positive it will go right.

    Vector Y is only the vertical movement. Negative it will go up, positive it will go down.

    In your example, you set the angle (no effect on the movement itself) and move it on the horizontal axis.

    According to the key pressed, you want to set a combination of values for vector X and vector Y (also consider momentum).

    Consider posting your capx.

  • Using the platformer behavior, you could set vector X and vector Y accordingly to the dash direction for a set period of time, cancelling the value of gravity.

  • Unfortunately there isn't events related to the virtual keyboard itself.

    So I guess, you should consider making something like "On textbox touched" with the touch object to move the object itself.

    I'd also try out to check when the textbox is focused/unfocused as shown in this example capx. That might be even better control over when the keyboard is supposed to be displayed and not.

  • Display the message in the "On start of layout" of your first layout.

    And if the layout is supposed to be used/started several times, use a dedicated global variable.

    StartMessage = 0

    If StartMessage = 0 => Display StartMessage / Set StartMessage to 1

    Will only happen once while your game executes/as long as you don't reset global variables.

  • You can take screenshots of the canvas using the system action "Snapshot canvas".

    Otherwise, instead of actual images, you could save the position and animation frame of each sprite composing your robot (in a data structure like an array or something) and display it accordingly in your game.

    For that, I guess you should look into the local storage and existing examples on how to save/load the data, and create some functions to help you saving and displaying the robot accordingly.

    Also no need to bump your topic after one hour.

    Do researches on your own, and if in 24 hours there is nothing new, bump is authorized, not before.

  • You need to put the speed as a global variable.

    When you encounter the event that makes it speed up (for example every X seconds indeed) aff a certain value to the content of that variable.

    VariableSpeed = VariableSpeed + Value

    Then add also the same content to the current bullet speed of existing blocks.

    Block.Bullet.Speed = Block.Bullet.Speed + Value

    Possibly to modify the distance of block creation, according to the new speed, you can act on "NextBlock" value.

    Possibly something like :

    NextBlock = NextBlock + Value * dt

    It is up to you to see if multiplying by dt (Delta Time) will fit or not and if not adding it won't make the game impossible.

    Finally make it so that on creation, block's speed will be based on the variable's value.

    Create Block

    Block.Bullet.Speed = VariableSpeed

    This should, every 20 seconds raise up the overall speed of blocks and their distance of creation.

    As to what condition exactly use instead of every 20 seconds, it is up to you and what you want to happen in the game.

  • : Update your graphic card drivers.

    You apparently also changed the name of the plugin within the edit files, it is not supposed to be "Hasher", so who knows what other modification you may have applied to the original files. Try to get back to the original exact files and see if you encounter the same issue.

    Otherwise, it doesn't seem like an issue directly linked to the plugin, or to which I can do anything. This is inside C2's editor itself and the graphic card drivers update should help.

  • As it is still difficult to understand what you are trying to achieve, let me explain what is happening in your current capx.

    First, on collision with Yellow figures, you destroy them and modify some Instance Variables values in the car.

    When the car hits the wall, it creates a Yellow figure at some point of the car. But at the same time, it considers it is colliding with the Yellow figure, and so it destroys it and modifies the instance variable values, like it did when running in Yellow figures at first.

    In regards to your previous messages, it seems you are willing to have some "max human capacity" in the vehicle.

    It seems also that on collision with the wall, you want all your figures to get out of the car.

    And you are trying to make it so that one of the figures in the car is always a red figure.

    It still is very vague. And it requires to modify entirely your project.

    Moreover, a lot of the implementation depends on exactly what you are trying to make, which we have issues understanding.

    I understand English is not your main language, but I'm afraid we can't help further if you don't provide more explicit details.

    Here is a way to have yellow figures getting in and out of the car :

    Please explain in further detail what the red figure is supposed to represent, what you want it to do exactly, and if you expect having more than one of it out of the vehicle during the game.

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    Support is opened during business hours in UK.

    Your message has been treated and according to the badge on your avatar you have managed to get your license, congratulations

    Closing the topic now.

    Always prefer to deal with payment issues directly with the support, not in the forums.

  • I'm not sure to understand your question actually.

    In Construct 2 we talk about object type and instances.

    Making the difference between both is important.

    We can have an object type sprite that we name "Item" and that contains different animation frames, or animations (in case you want to display the item as animated).

    Using instances of the "Item" object type allows to have code applied only to this object, but yet have this common code happening for all instances, and so in the end for all "Items" shown/used in the game's logic.

    It is simpler to use, doesn't require to duplicate events/actions changing the destination object type.

    It also allows to keep all assets in a single place, easier for access.

    Using animation frames number can also help having some logical connection with arrays indexes (they both start at 0, and so by checking what animation frame an instance has, you could be able to use this number to access the data for the item, stored in the array, quite easily).

    I hope this makes sense.