Kyatric's Forum Posts

  • Here this is a question of picking.

    Your condition "Enemies. MoveTo is moving" will take ALL the instances of ALL the object types in the family Enemies which are moving at that tick of execution.

    So if you have only a single instance of the WHOLE family that is moving, nice, you will get the .Facing value from it.

    Otherwise, it will go through all the picked instances, and the value of the last instance is going to be the one applied.

    That's why the "Trigger only once" seemed to work for a while, because it took only a single instance of all the Moving instances, and applied the value only once.

    Now apparently, there might be picking issue with the EnemyAnimation instances also.

    Apparently, you want to pick ONE instance, that is a child (in a hierarchy) of the Enemies object.

    Perhaps you should, rather than hierarchy (which is meant to make objects move/behave as a single one; in order to create a structure), look into the "Container" feature and have your ENEMYAnimations as an object contained in your ENEMIES.

    For example, CosmicKrampus being the container to CosmicKrampusAnimations. This way, picking a CosmicKrampus instance, any modification made to CosmicKrampusAnimations will be made to the instance "contained"/link/attached/tied to the CosmicKrampus instance that you have picked.

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  • Looks like you are talking about a browser game.

    Creating an account and handling data on server side is out of the scope of Construct.

    Construct can help you with a client that will make it "nicer" to retrieve the data, display them, allow the player to have some interaction and send those interactions to your server.

    You will need a database, and handling an account system and scripts that will handle your games' interactions.

    From Construct you will likely need to retrieve and send informations from/to your server's database, by connecting to a dedicated server-side scripts using AJAX.

  • Your file makes use of third-part addons, I cannot open it.

    You shouldn't be using Lite Tween as a third part addon anymore when Construct 3 provides a standard behavior (Tween).

    Are you sure you DID respect the autoplay restriction and did make sure that your player HAS to touch the screen BEFORE trying to play any sound ?

    This is not a bug in Construct, it is a requisite from apple products/browsers on mobile, and something you have to strictly follow for your audio engine to initiate as intended (especially on iOS).

  • What do you exactly want to do ?

    "What can i do to not stopped the mouse ?" - I don't understand that at all, even in French, it doesn't make sense to me :P

    Do you want to hide the crosshair when it is "stuck" on an edge of the screen ?

    If your mouse goes to the edges of your screen, it is considered out of the screen, so its position is not updated until it comes back inside the screen.

  • Your "DistanceJoueurExplosion" is calculated every tick, once all the explosions happened, in event 26.

    Simply take the action that make that calculation and add it to event 22 before the "ProjectileImpulsion" destroy action and your code will work as intended.

    Thanks !!!

    Last thing, now, my mouse cursos is getting stucked on edge of the screen. My computer screen when on full screen. What can i do to not stopped the mouse ?

    What do you exactly want to do ?

    "What can i do to not stopped the mouse ?" - I don't understand that at all, even in French, it doesn't make sense to me :P

    Do you want to hide the crosshair when it is "stuck" on an edge of the screen ?

  • Being logged in to, you can find your license file for Construct 2 in the Downloads page of the asset store.

    If you have an issue accessing your license file, please send an email to with your username.

    Concerning the hash of your license, you have already claimed it, giving you access to a 50% discount on your first subscription to Construct 3.

    It was not stolen, it is tied to your account.

    You can see it in your "Special offers" page.

    Nothing wrong there as far as I can tell.

  • When you receive a message as a string, you can turn it back to a number using the casting system expressions.

    For example set dictionary value to float(multiplayer.message).

    When you mention "ready-feature" are you talking about the "Is ready for input" condition ?

    If not, this is likely something you have implemented yourself, right ?

    Perhaps you should post your project .c3p file and explain clearly what you are looking to achieve.

    This would be simpler to understand and diagnose what your issue is and provide help according to how your project is setup.

    Also :

    If you have suggestions for new features or improvements in Construct 3, we have a feature suggestion platform here which lets everyone vote on their favourite ideas:

    Please look for existing ideas before submitting a new one. It's better to get all votes on the same idea than spreading it around.

  • It is possible that you'll get the actualised PeerCount on the next tick of execution.

    So consider adding a "Wait 0" action before your log to see if things change.

    If so, you can delay the destruction of your buttons as part of a function that you call after the "Wait 0" action.

  • It would be simpler if you posted your project, this way we could answer your question accordingly to how you setup your project.

    You normally have some variable in which you keep your global time in seconds, and that you then display as a 00:00 format. In your code, you apparently have a "Minute" variable, as well as a "Second".

    Save the time in seconds (all seconds passed since the beginning of the level), and keep the display format as a way to display your time from your "total seconds elapsed" variable.

    In the end, it is like a score, a floating number that you display on screen in a meaningful format (00:00).

  • You can have third-part Construct 2 add-ons in Construct 3 by asking their authors to port them using our SDK.

    Otherwise, check the Exchange Addon or this dedicated forum (and this topic) to see if a port already exists.

    Finally you can try this beta converter.

    Once you have a Construct 3 version of the add-on, you can install it using the add-ons manager.

  • It is likely, as usual, iOS requires its own proper code/subtleties to work.

    See this topic on Stack overflow, it possibly contains answers.

  • You can use the proposed "Type" property.

    As far as I'm aware, you possibly cannot customize further, as this is actual code proposed from/by Twitter that is only interfaced in Construct.

    Although, in the end, this is HTML, so perhaps you could customize it using CSS making use of the IDs of the elements, as displayed in the page on execution time. This sounds kind of a hack though, and is outside of the scope of Construct itself.

  • How do you "simulate" different frame rates to see that "it does not produce results" ?

    Also, the speed of your blue sprite, is 420, which is lesser than the speed of 500 of Sprite 2 with tile movement.

    When both are using 500 as speed value, and with the wait action enabled in the code, it seems both are moving at the same speed, and still Sprite 2 has a moment of pause.

    As Ashley mentioned, it is not clear to me either what you are exactly trying to achieve.

    You explained what you did, as far as code goes, but I do not know what mechanic you are attempting to achieve and what result.

    It seems you want Sprite2 to have some pause, because some function will test some stuff.

    But during this same time, Sprite is just moving along at a set speed.

    I'm confused and I'm not sure how to help.

  • Example made in beta r250

    Animation used from the "Toon characters" pack on