Here this is a question of picking.
Your condition "Enemies. MoveTo is moving" will take ALL the instances of ALL the object types in the family Enemies which are moving at that tick of execution.
So if you have only a single instance of the WHOLE family that is moving, nice, you will get the .Facing value from it.
Otherwise, it will go through all the picked instances, and the value of the last instance is going to be the one applied.
That's why the "Trigger only once" seemed to work for a while, because it took only a single instance of all the Moving instances, and applied the value only once.
Now apparently, there might be picking issue with the EnemyAnimation instances also.
Apparently, you want to pick ONE instance, that is a child (in a hierarchy) of the Enemies object.
Perhaps you should, rather than hierarchy (which is meant to make objects move/behave as a single one; in order to create a structure), look into the "Container" feature and have your ENEMYAnimations as an object contained in your ENEMIES.
For example, CosmicKrampus being the container to CosmicKrampusAnimations. This way, picking a CosmicKrampus instance, any modification made to CosmicKrampusAnimations will be made to the instance "contained"/link/attached/tied to the CosmicKrampus instance that you have picked.