Kursal's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Hi there,

    SO, I might have gone a little overboard on the behaviors behind this. I know, last night, I had a nice smooth movement and everything was working properly. This morning I come back to it, however, and the WAD buttons (that are set up to use 'Simulate Platform' are not working and whilst moving, the walk animation seems to go back to the standing animation for a frame or two before continuing. Obviously it's not what I wanted. Can anyone help here?

    Also, I hope the capx contains everything, I did 'save as a single file'. Not done this before.

    Thanks in advance,


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Do both MMF2 and Game Maker get better performance on mobile devices??

    That's my biggest hang-up right now with Construct 2...

    That's only because they are exporting native apps. I know native apps aren't on the roadmap for C2 but I think we shall see better performance from html5 games on mobile in the future.

  • Of course, whatever happens, you can't copyright an idea so the best thing you can do is get distinct branding and characters which can be trademarked. The game mechanic as well is something you won't be able to stop people copying. Probably the best thing to do is not even try.

    Yes, by all means trademark that which makes your game unique, design wise, but you won't get anything popular if no one ever sees it because you're worried about someone copying you.

  • Something I picked up from years in web design. If you're using transparent PNGs saved out from Illustrator or Photoshop, they are probably larger than needs be. Use tinypng to resize. I've saved up to 60% using that tool in the past.

  • Aurora Australis, I used gamemaker and gave up the dream of making games a few years ago!

    I completely understand this. I am actually pretty good at PHP, MySQL and the thought of having to learn another programming language was a barrier for Gamemaker. At first I thought it would be OK but there is a lot of stuff that I would consider a necessity which has to be coded in to Gamemaker. That's perfectly fine for a traditional game engine but when there is a tool available like C2 which just works, out of the box so to speak, and is so easy then you have to ask why bother.

  • Welcome Love the post title !

    Haha, thank you. It's actually a quote from The Goon Show.

  • As someone who has just started with the software myself; I have used Clickteam Fusion and Gmemaker for tests to see which I preferred. Now, Construct might not have support for native devices yet and (from what Ive read) it's not the best at exporting to devices, largely because of the third party software but I still think it is the easiest game creator on the market and one that will end up being the market leader.

  • Hi there,

    I just wanted to say hello to the community. I have been working with the free version of Construct 2 to see what it was like. I did purchase a copy of Clickteam Fusion with the HTML encoder (as I had used their software before) but I am so glad I gave Construct a go as, for what I need it for, it's the perfect piece of software.

    Currently I am working on some games for the official website of the popular kids TV show Grandpa In My Pocket. I've already done a prototype in the free version and I've just purchased the business license so I can get this online with the proper licenses. You can see a demo of the game at and we're working on sound and graphics for a final version to be released shortly.

    I'm really looking forward to being part of the community and making games for my sites. I'm also interested in having a go at making apps for ios and android devices with the software.

    I look forward to speaking with you all soon.

    All the best,


  • 8 posts