Kurjuus's Forum Posts

  • Hello folks,

    I'm trying to do a simple mechanic but I'm having problems. I'm trying to make an enemy fire 8 bullets that will stop almost immediately, then only 7 of those bullets will be randomly destroyed, and the one that is left alive will start moving again at its original angle.

    This is what is happening instead:


    As you can see, sometimes no bullet survives the purge, other times more than one will make it, and none of them will follow its original angle (except those who have 0 or 180 as their angles).

    These are my events:

    I guess I'm overcomplicating stuff since I think this should be a really simple mechanic to achieve.

    What do you think?

  • You were right on the trigger once event! I removed it and that fixed it.

    In my head it made sense because I thought, if poisonTimer hits 0, then it'd subtract 1 from HP every tick while it's 0. But I just realized it instatly changes its value in that same event.

    Thank you!

  • When it's touched by the poison cloud, it triggers one tick and then it stops. The bool (beingPoisoned) is TRUE but the timer is at 0.

    Once that enemy suffers 1 tick and stops being affected, as long as he is overlapping a cloud (new or old), it stays unaffected. If I wait until he's no longer in touch with any cloud and poison him again, then it works.

    It's just so weird...

  • Hello!

    I'm trying to create a poison (fart) cloud that damages enemies every 0,6 seconds and it should affect a group of enemies at the same time.

    The thing is, it almost always leaves one enemy unaffected (from a group of any number of enemies) and it's always the one that as 0 / X as Z index. (I don't know what that could mean).

    Sometimes -although veeeery rarely- the cloud affects everyone. I've tried shooting from every angle but it doesn't seem to change anything.

    Here's a video showing the issue:


    and here's a capture of my events:

    Do you have any idea what could it be?

  • Functions happen.

    They won't work properly if there is need to run more than one in one tick.

    XpMonster Yep, it was definitely that. Now it works smoothly without that destroy function, thank you!!

  • Hi!

    So far I've succeeded in having my enemies in the same family having its own HP. The problem is, when I hit two of the SAME type of enemies(same family) at the same time they get bugged and become unkillable (and the rest of the family as well)

    Everything works fine if I hit two different enemies(same family) simultaneously.

    Here's a GIF:


    If I hit two bats at the same time, the first will die as intended, but then the rest of the family will suddenly go GodMode_ON.

    and here are my events:

    What do you think it's going wrong here?


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  • jjc001 Sorry about that! What I mean is exactly what dop2000 posted, so THANK YOU SO MUCH!

    At first sight I believe the second method is better too since you don't have to add an Else event for each enemy, right?

    I'm hyped again! THANKS!!

  • Hi there,

    I want my functions that affect the containers to affect its respective content alone, and not ALL the contents on the layout.

    For what I've searched, it's a known issue that actually has workarounds, but I have tried those that seemed close to my needs and I have utterly failed.

    This one has an edit at the end of the page that I can't translate to the actual solution they propose:


    This one I did step by step but didn't work for me:


    So what I'm asking for is for any kind soul out there to explain me like I'm 5 years old how to do this :(


  • DiegoM

    Oh man, well, thank you for checking it out. I hope it's not too hard to fix :P

  • DiegoM

    Sure! I've cleaned out most of the things to have just the necessary.



  • Hello!

    I made a timeline animation for when the player picks up anything.

    The properties changed are Width and Height and the values go 0 -> 4 -> 0. So it should do a mini bounce and always go back to its original size, but it leaves my sprite stretched instead.

    It's not on loop/ping pong or repeating. And it happens when I pick either one or a bunch at the same time.

    What am I doing wrong? :O

  • Okay I've made it work properly with the Tween behaviour.

    Thanks so much!

  • Fade doesn't actually work well for this. Tween works better. This example should work, and takes into account how far the fade in or out is, and adjusts the period to allow for the current progress (based on a linear progression).


    Thanks for the reply!

    The link seems to be broken (404 Not Found) :(

  • Forgot to mention, by not working I mean, it fades out directly without waiting the 1.5 secs (or 3 secs with the 1.5 timer on, it fades out really fast)

    (I didn't find the edit button so I replied myself...!)

  • Hello!

    I'm struggling a bit making this condition work. I'm trying to add an ammo bar that fades in and stays visible when the click is down and fades out when it's released.

    So far I have tried these 3 but none have worked:

    I've also tried with keyboard buttons and other mouse buttons and still the same.
