Kuklatank's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • 0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9     Index


    56-82-31-66-23-15-08-42-11-18    Variable (random)

    08-10-06-09-05-03-01-07-02-04    ID

    On second tick variables will change their values in random order.

    0--1--2--3--4--5--6--7--8--9     Index


    89-61-49-92-35-37-86-39-12-64    Variable (random)

    09-06-05-10-02-03-08-04-01-07    ID

    ID of variables will change according to values, but variables would not change their position in array.

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  • Hi.

    I have some problems with array. There is one-dimensional array with 10 variables. Variables are random and they change every tick. Is there any way to set up id for each of the variable? In result I need situation in which randomness of the variables will not affect the id number and id 1 will always be the lowest, id 2 ? second lowest and so on.


  • Thank you very much. Example was very helpful.

  • Hi, could you please tell me how to create homing missiles in platformer? I tried RTS behavior, but they keep acting strange: for one thing, their trace isn?t even close to the real-life missile trace (more on the straight line side) and sometimes when fired from a position too close to the enemy, they slow down and start hovering around the target instead of hitting it.

    Apparently, I have to program custom movement and arrays for displaying a large number of missiles simultaneously. However, I?m no programmer, and would be extremely grateful if you guys could help me out. A piece of code or a sample CAP file would do just great.


  • Hello!

    Is there any way to set up MagiCam camera fallow with X of one object and Y of another? I was using system screen scrolling with this kind of behavior, but I need some effects with MagiCam. So I need to recreate this behavior with MagiCam because camera I`ve added for the effect cant be destroyed after effect ends.   


  • Thanks to everyone, looks like i`ve solved this problem.

  • No, it doesn't.

  • Nope, problem is still there. When you are looking to the right and weapon angle is 270 degrees, press and hold down down arrow key.

  • Hello everyone!

    I have some problems with rotating sprite and I hope someone can help me)

    To control current direction (left/right) of the weapon I have used a private variable and looks like it worked fine. But when weapon angle is 270 or 90 degrees and you hold down arrow key of opposite direction it rotates counter-clockwise (270) no matter which direction you are facing. How to set up rotating direction from 270 and 90 degrees according to direction you are facing?

    Here is my .cap file: dl.dropbox.com/u/49819507/Control.cap


  • R0J0hound,Noga Thank you a LOT!

    Both your variants are working just great. I have spent too much time trying to do this correctly by myself. Now I am happy)

    Thanks again!

  • I forgot to mention that 70% of game time protagonist will travel on foot, that�s why I was trying to do this with platform behavior. Is there any way to do this in platform or how to set up platform behavior with physics?


  • Hi there, I'm trying to provide protagonist with a rocket backpack, but got stuck trying to achieve smooth transition from falling down to ascending. You can see the latest sample here dl.dropbox.com/u/49819507/rocket_1.cap.

    I also tried arithmetic progression, turning gravitational vector upside down and using negative gravitation values. Could you suggest anything, please? It would also be great to have a look at a sample .CAP file to see how it can be implemented.

  • 12 posts