kris_8_8's Forum Posts

  • thank you for them who stop here all sorted everything is working :)

  • hello so, im trying to change main player with platform behevia but in familly, i have created familly with platform behevia and shadow i have used everywhere familly

    familly with platform behevia and shadow with this familly have 2 players which they have the same animations (idle,jump,shoot etc...) i have global variable so if 1 create player1

    if 2 create player2

    both in same familly to have ability platform, when i create player1 which game was making from beggining is all good no problem but when switch to player2 he can move flat loor no jump and also no animation walk animation start runnin when i collect power item which changing animation to run.

    my idea was to use familly as much as i can so it easier edditing in future.

    any idea how to fix this problem everything looks working except jump and animation for player2

  • THANK YOU FOR THAT :))))))

  • hello im trying to make signed app for android but i have some error code can someone look and explain to me what need to be chenged

    Error: Checking Java JDK and Android SDK versions

    ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=~~/androidSDK (recommended setting)




    1 actionable task: 1 executed

    Subproject Path: CordovaLib

    Subproject Path: app

    Configure project :app

    Project evaluation failed including an error in afterEvaluate {}. Run with --stacktrace for details of the afterEvaluate {} error.

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * Where:

    Script '~~/cordova.gradle' line: 132

    * What went wrong:

    A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.

    No match found

    * Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    * Get more help at https:/~~/

    BUILD FAILED in 1s

    ~~/gradlew: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:

    Project evaluation failed including an error in afterEvaluate {}. Run with --stacktrace for details of the afterEvaluate {} error.

    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

    * Where:

    Script '~~/cordova.gradle' line: 132

    * What went wrong:

    A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.

    No match found

    * Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

    * Get more help at https:/~~/

    BUILD FAILED in 1s

  • Thank you for answer im trying to make signed app but i have some code error will post in new forum but is someone will check this subject please give your opinion about my problem about advert thank you

  • just i would like to know if what i done is good, correct and will work or i need to change something ....??

    And im sorry but i dont have clue what you mean can you explain to me please how should that looks please

  • hello i alsmost finish game but need to add some advert and dont know if I done in correct way.

    Menu advert.

    I assuming that on finish each advert them will close automaticly and will show game menu.

    game advert

    same question after finish video advert it will close automaticly and game will start??

    no more seting for advert just in plugin with ID.

    did i miss something ??

  • or if is any way to use image points on the floor so trolley folllow the way (i have also bend floor)

  • hello

    is any way to use physic behavior with seperate graphic of wheels with revolute joints and give to the trolley platformer behavior.

    when i done

    every tick

    trolley on collision with floor > trolley set angle floor.Angle

    its not smooth and looks not good

  • i have try it and no luck

    troley set angle to floor.Angle

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  • hello

    im trying to do fallying troley on surface but both wheels that mean if is down/up hill troley need to be both wheels on the floor also troley need to have platform behavior to jump and move front.

    here sample

    i was trying with psyhical behavior and diffrent combination but not able to sort out this problem.

    please if someone can explain to me how to do it please

  • thank you for help you guys are great.

    weird is that i have reinstall construct and oryginal set up (coding) start works also i have added another enemie and is working i dont have clue what was wrong, what i have deleted enemies_move2 and i have added enemie (names M1-M6) M6 and is working with no problem with enemies M3/M4 was problem so probably that could be problem with animation of enemies or some problem with program

    thank you for help guys i will test your options asewel cos i want know better construct :)

  • sorry for my msg

    i have created family with behavior platform and family variable string right(move).i have added 2 enemieses to the family

    up to this point everything was ok instant variable was changing how supposted to.

    instand variable was changing

    enemies_move has wall on right set variable left

    enemies_move Move=left enemies_move simulate left

    enemies_move has wall on left set variable to right

    everything was ok

    when i added another 3/4 enemies to the familly instand variable stop changing and was inintial right all the time.

    so i created another family enemies_move1 with platformer and instand variable move1

    i have added 2 enemies with exacly the same code just with new object enemies_move1 and new variable move1 but variable dont want change when enemies hit solid object.

    so i have created everything for 1 single enemie with platformer and own variable but same problem variable cant change. This problem happens after i was trying add 3/4 enemies to enemies_move to the 1 family

    on second screenshoot you can see i have created single M3 enemies and that dont work.

    thank you for helping and im sorry for my english.

  • hello

    sometimes i cant set new data in to variable, like when im doing family with variable move - right and on wall set left in to move but nothing happens in move is all the time right even when i set up variable for enemie no family new data cant be set in to variable any idea why that happens....??

    sorry for my english

  • all working thank you a lot for help

    i have diff question can you tell me why player is falling down throut platforms if behavior is jump thru and is all good when platform is solid. player is falling through when walking on them but good if platform is solid.

    agein thank you for your help :))))