Kraudi's Forum Posts

  • Hello.

    I've used rex_moveto.c3addon in C3 for a couple of month. After a short break I rebought a c3 licence and I added the moveto behaviour again to c3. It is in the list of installed behaviours but I can't add it to a sprite because it is not on the list if I click on Add behaviour.

    What I'm doing wrong?



  • sometimes it is not obvious, but when i put the 'Picked=0'-condition above the 'pick random'-condition it seems to work:

    This seems to work without the boolean after I tested it a couple if times. Hope it works stable:-D Weird but okay I take it :-D

    Thanks for the solution. I got angry because I couldn’t get it to work :-D

  • Yes. You can create an instance boolean and set it to 'true' when the card was picked. Then add the condition 'is boolean not true' under 'pick random'. Find out where and when you can reset that boolean.

    Thanks. I've tried but it is only done with 1 card on each click. I've set the boolean to false when an card arrives at their destination.

  • Hey.

    I've been doing a card deck game and ran into a problem. I have 8 spots where random cards a generated on. If you click on a button every CardSpawn should get a random card.

    Code wise I have something like this:

    Though quite often the system picks the same cards (I think because all happens on exactly the same time) and it happens that I only have 4 or 5 or 6 cards on my spawnSprites and not 8.

    Is there any better way to choose random cards without duplicates?



  • I have one problem left with your example dop2000

    When using multiple enemies with fov sprites then on places where one enemy has no visible fov (behind a wall for example) I can also not see other enemies which are at that place.

    Don't know if you understand but I don't know how to describe it.

  • Alright thanks both on clearing things up! I've added the LOS and it works great. Thank you both for the nice help!

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  • One last question. Does the "Player overlapping EnemyFOV" work with the shadowcaster any way? Or does it make more sense to use the LOS behaviour for detection?

  • Check blend modes for all objects, their z-order (ShadowLight should be above the FOV sprite). Also make sure to turn "Force own texture=On" in layer properties.

    You are the man!

    Just need to check how hard the hit is on cpu when on mobile and using more enemies!

    But thank you very much this is really cool!

  • Thank you very much! That example looks awesome though I don't get it to work correctly. I copied over the the shadow light from your example and gave the walls the shadowcaster. That's what it looks like right now

    Looks like the destination out is not working.

    Edit: FOV Sprite and Shadow caster are on the same layer.

  • Hey guys!

    I have an enemy with a line of sight view which wanders around and look for the player. Is it possible to hide parts of the sprite outside/behind walls? Or is there any other way to do his?

    Here is a screen and you can see its a static sprite pinned to the enemy.

  • Thanks for the help here guys! Will try this out on weekend and sdnt out updates to my apps if it works.

  • So how we gonna fix this? I mean that's a complete game breaker for me.

  • Hi, thanks for replying. Does your app bring up the copy/look up buttons when you tap and hold on the screen? That also started with 11.3 and makes the game almost unplayable. Both problems are recreated on my browser demo at and when I test over wifi from Construct 2. I am using an Ipad Air.

    Nope! I haven't seen any copy/paste pop-up in my games. It's just the some pixels up/down movement. It is definitely bound to iOS11.3. I used C3 btw.

  • I have the same issues with my games.

    I opened up a bug report here:

  • > Completely new to me. I have just released my new game yesterday and it went through in 7 hours. How do you compiled it? C3 build service?


    i did use c2 export

    i'm using cordova

    Okay. which plugins did you use?